Author: Bareche, Y ; Santo, J ; Béranger, G ; Amri, E-Z ; Lopez-Herrera, C ; Najman, R ; Apolit, C ; Tazi, J ; Lapasset, L ; Capozi, S ; Casas, F ; Lopez-Mejía, I C ; Mahuteau-Betzer, F ; Scherrer, D ; Pau, B ; Fornarelli, P ; Chavey, C
SUBJECTS/METHODS:Small molecules modulating SR protein activity and splicing were tested for their abilities to interact with SRSF1 and to modulate LMNA (AS). Using an LMNA luciferase reporter we selected molecules that were tested in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice. Transcriptomic analyses were performed in the white adipose tissues from untreated and treated DIO mice and mice fed a chow diet.
RESULTS:We identified a small molecule that specifically interacted with the RS domain of SRSF1. ABX300 abolished DIO in mice, leading to restoration of adipose tissue homeostasis. In contrast, ABX300 had no effect on mice fed a standard chow diet. A global transcriptomic analysis revealed similar profiles of white adipose tissue from DIO mice treated with ABX300 and from untreated mice fed a chow diet. Mice treated with ABX300 exhibited an increase in O2 consumption and a switch in fuel preference toward lipids.
CONCLUSIONS:Targeting SRSF1 with ABX300 compensates for changes in RNA biogenesis induced by fat accumulation and consequently represents a novel unexplored approach for the treatment of obesity.