Disulfide bridge, an important post-translation modification in protein, plays a key role in stabilizing three-dimensional structure of proteins, maintaining correct folded conformation, and thus regulating the biological activities. Disulfide bridge assignment is essential to understand the essence of life process and to develop protein pharmaceutical. In this study, a novel method termed as stepwise reduction and differentiated alkylation (SRDA) was developed analyzing disulfide connectivity for proteins. As a demonstration, three disulfide bridges in insulin aspart were successfully characterized using this SRDA method combined with LC-HRMSn. Firstly, tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP) was used to partially reduce disulfide bridges with N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) used to block the generated free thiol. Then, dithiothreitol (DTT) was used to reduce the rest disulfide bonds with iodoacetamide (IAM) used to block the newly generated free thiol. After that, an LC-HRMSn method was established to assign disulfide connectivity for an insulin aspart study material, based on the different mass shifts arising from differentiated alkylation. Moreover, this approach allows for the quantitative analysis of various disulfide bond pairings, which can be applied to studies on the consistency and stability among different batches of samples. The results show that SRDA is a valuable tool for reliable quality control and quality assessment of disulfide-rich proteins such as insulin analogues.