This work presents a simple computational methodol. to determine new theor. mol. descriptor scales convenient for use in QSPR correlations and the anal. of solvation-related properties.On the basis of low-cost quantum chem. computations using DFT/COSMO approach, in particular that implemented in the ADF/COSMO-RS module of the Amsterdam Modeling Studio program package, optimized geometry and local screening charge d. of a considered mol. are obtained and related to the proposed descriptors through an a priori simple reasoning.Values of four mol. descriptors, namely volume V*COSMO, hydrogen bond/Lewis acidity αCOSMO and basicity βCOSMO, and charge asymmetry of the nonpolar region of the mol. δCOSMO have been calculated and are presented for sets of 128 non-ionic organic mols. and 47 ions composing ionic liquidsRelation of the proposed scales to some others that are widely known or presented recently in the literature has been examinedAlthough the present methodol. is completely independent of any exptl. data, the theor. descriptor scales proposed here have been found to correlate linearly quite well with the resp. empirical scales (mostly R2 > 0.8, and for some R2 > 0.9).For non-ionic organics, just the direct proportionality provided adequate fits of the well-established prominent scales such as those of Abraham, Klamt, Kamlet-Taft, Catalan, Gutmann, and Laurence and showed only a few statistically justifiable outliers.For ions composing ILs, the linear fits of seven acidity or basicity scales presented previously with those proposed in this work were of similar quality.Examining the observed outliers, several descriptor values reported in the literature were identified as being in error.Good performance of the new descriptor scales has been demonstrated by employing them for LSER fitting of various solvation-related thermodn. and kinetic properties such as standard vaporization enthalpy, standard hydration enthalpy, air-water partition coefficient, air-IL partition coefficient, and solvent effects on the activation Gibbs energy or rate constant of SN1 and SNAr reactions.The quality of these correlations appears to be comparable to that of the correlations currently available for these properties, regardless of the role, solute or solvent, the involved mols. played.