Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is a soil-borne pathogen that severely limits banana yields globally.In the present study, the Rasthali (AAB) banana cultivar was transformed with the Arabidopsis thaliana BAG4 gene, driven by a root-specific promoter, to modulate cell death pathways and induce resistance against the fungal pathogen.Stable transgenic plants were developed by transforming embryogenic cells derived from immature male floral buds.Integration and expression of the gene cassette in transformants were confirmed by Southern blotting and real-time PCR, resp.Stable transgenic banana lines were selected based on their copy number and vigorous growth.The root challenge bioassay of the selected lines showed a vascular discoloration index (VDI) ranging from 8 to 51%, compared to untransformed bananas, which exhibited a 97% VDI.Lines demonstrating tolerance were further micro-propagated for detailed anal.The enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase were higher in transformed lines than control plants.Addnl., the TUNEL assay of the stable transformant line 168 exhibited reduced apoptotic-like features in the roots post-Foc infection.The results indicated that AtBAG4 transgenic Rasthali plants exhibited tolerance to Foc (Race 1) by inhibiting cell death.Therefore, AtBAG4 gene-mediated tolerance in banana cv.Rasthali offers a promising and sustainable approach for the integrated management of Fusarium wilt in bananas.