The importance of mitigating drug-drug interaction (DDI) risks, which arise from inhibition of major human cytochrome P 450 enzymes is a well-established component of the lead optimization process in drug discovery.More recently, there has been much interest in clin. DDIs potentially arising via time- and concentration-dependent cytochrome P 450 inhibition, a phenomenon consistent with mechanism-based inactivation.Inactivated P 450 is catalytically incompetent and must be replenished by newly synthesized protein.Consequently, time-dependent inhibition of P450s presents a greater safety concern compared to reversible inhibition because of the increased propensity for pharmacokinetic interactions upon multiple dosing and the sustained duration of these interactions after discontinuation of the mechanism-based inactivator.Mechanism-based or time-dependent P 450 inhibitors pose an addnl. risk of idiosyncratic drug toxicity since the mechanism of time-dependency often involves the formation of reactive metabolites, which can react with proteins other than the P 450 isoenzyme responsible for catalysis. in vitro time-dependent inhibition (TDI) of P 450 enzymes is now routinely assessed as part of lead optimization efforts in preclin. drug discovery.However, identification of an in vitro TDI liability can raise several questions such as: What is the mechanism of TDI.Does it involve the formation of reactive metabolites.Is there a 1:1 correlation between P 450 TDI and RM formation (as measured from reactive metabolite trapping studies).What is the likelihood that a P 450 time-dependent inhibitor will also cause toxicity.What are the DDI risk mitigation options when dealing with P 450 inactivators in drug discovery - compound progression or termination.Several drugs exhibit in vitro TDI of P 450 enzymes, but only a fraction thereof causes clin. DDIs.Hence, when do we initiate labor-intensive medicinal chem. efforts to design compounds devoid of P 450 TDI liability.What are the best methods to precisely predict the likelihood of occurrence of clin. DDIs with drug candidates that inactivate P 450 enzymes.What are (if any) the qualifying considerations for clin. progression of a P 450 time-dependent inactivator with projected clin. DDI risks.In an effort to address these questions and hopefully provide answers to some of them, we embarked on the present venture wherein we highlight the current state-of-the-art knowledge in this field with a special emphasis on (a) available biochem. and mechanistic approaches in drug discovery to examine TDI of P 450 isoenzymes with new chem. entities, (b) structure-activity relationship studies with marketed drugs associated with DDIs via P 450 inactivation, (c) case studies of medicinal chem. tactics to abrogate P 450 inactivation liability, (d) strategies for progression of P 450 TDI-pos. drug candidates, and (e) the utility of in silico methodol., including the use of physiol.-based pharmacokinetic simulators, in drug discovery to predict the magnitude of clin. DDIs risks anticipated with new clin. candidates.