Clinical Trials associated with DBI-102A Randomized, Observer-Blinded, Vehicle-Controlled Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Twice Daily Application of Ruboxistaurin (DBI-102) Gel Vs.Vehicle Gel Vs. Hydroquinone Cream on Sun-Exposed and Sun-Protected Skin of Adults
This is a randomized, observer-blinded, vehicle-controlled multi-dose trial that examines the effect of twice daily application of 0.8% DBI-102 Gel, 4% Hydroquinone cream, and Vehicle Gel for 12 weeks in adults with Fitzpatrick Skin Types IV-V and a colorimeter L* measurement between 57.8 and 46.1.
100 Clinical Results associated with DBI-102
100 Translational Medicine associated with DBI-102
100 Patents (Medical) associated with DBI-102
100 Deals associated with DBI-102