1. In the direct aortogram the shade of the abdominal aorta is projected into the left half of the vertebrum bodies from Th - 12 to L - 4. 2. The length of the abdominal aorta changes with age from 172,1 mm (in the age up to 40 years) to 203,7 mm (in 71-75 years) independent of the sex and is equal to 177,1-2,8 mm (sigma=21,8 mm). 3. The caliber of the abdominal aorta becomes narrower in the caudal direction, being most narrow between levels Th - 12, L - 1, and L - 2. Independent of the sex, the aorta caliber increases with age at the level of all lumbar vertebra. The difference in the caliber between cranial and caudal parts of the aorta increases with age from 6,7 mm (in the age of 40) up to 11,7 mm (in the age of 60-70). Mean values of the caliber at the level Th - 11 are equal to 26,9-0,8 mm (sigma=5,33 mm) and at the level L - 4 are equal to 18,9-0,3 mm (sigma = 2,9 mm). 4. The course of the abdominal aorta is directed downwards and to the middle. With age the aorta makes an arc-shaped bend to the left first at the level Th - 12, then L - 1, and in senile age at the level L - 2. 5. Independent of age and sex of examined persons the skeletotopical zones of orifices of the main visceral and paramural arteries were established which can significantly facilitate their selective angiography.