The cell-to-cell communication system quorum sensing (QS), used by various pathogenic bacteria to synchronize gene expression and increase host invasion potentials, is studied as a potential target for persistent infection control. To search for novel molecules targeting the QS system in the Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
, a chemical library consisting of 3,280 small compounds from LifeArc was screened. A series of 10 conjugated phenones that have not previously been reported to target bacteria were identified as inhibitors of QS in
P. aeruginosa
. Two lead compounds (ethylthio enynone and propylthio enynone) were re-synthesized for verification of activity and further elucidation of the mode of action. The isomeric pure Z-ethylthio enynone was used for RNA sequencing, revealing a strong inhibitor of QS-regulated genes, and the QS-regulated virulence factors rhamnolipid and pyocyanin were significantly decreased by treatment with the compounds. A transposon mutagenesis screen performed in a newly constructed
monitor strain identified the target of Z-ethylthio enynone in
P. aeruginosa
to be the MexEF-OprN efflux pump, which was further established using defined
knockout mutants. Our data indicate that the QS inhibitory capabilities of Z-ethylthio enynone were caused by the drainage of intracellular signal molecules as a response to chemical-induced stimulation of the MexEF-oprN efflux pump, thereby inhibiting the autogenerated positive feedback and its enhanced signal-molecule synthesis.