Clinical Trials associated with CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T(Tangdu Hospital)Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T Therapy for Refractory, Generalized Myasthenia Gravis: A Single-center, Open-label, Single-arm, Dose-finding Study
This study is a single-center, open-label, single-arm, dose-exploration study to evaluate the safety and preliminary effectiveness of CD19-BCMA CAR-T in the treatment of refractory, generalized myasthenia gravis. The study is a dose escalation trial in adult, refractory, systemic MG patients. The Keyboard method will be used to perform dose escalation to explore the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). A total of 12 MG patients who meet the inclusion criteria are expected to be recruited.
100 Clinical Results associated with CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T(Tangdu Hospital)
100 Translational Medicine associated with CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T(Tangdu Hospital)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T(Tangdu Hospital)
100 Deals associated with CD19-BCMA Targeted CAR-T(Tangdu Hospital)