A review.Sym. chest pressure ulcers, consequence of prone position ventilation in a patient with COVID-19.We report a 78-yr-old male patient, hospitalized for COVID-19 bilateral pneumonia at our hospital.After initial treatment with lopinavir/ritonavir, hydroxychloroquine, ceftriaxone and azithromycin, respiratory worsening to acute respiratory distress syndrome happened and the patient was transferred to intensive care unit.Ventilation was applied in prone position for thirteen sessions of twenty hours each and treatment with tocilizumab and alpha interferon was added.Sym. chest pressure ulcers developed in three days since mech. ventilation in prone position began.Ulcers were treated with serial sharp debridement on the bed of patient, followed by chem. debridement and hydrocolloid dressing with great response.Two weeks after skin lesions' improvement, patient clin. condition worsened due to bacterial coinfection, so that, ventilation in prone position was needed again and ulcers returned.At the time of this submission, patient is still hospitalized.A thin silicone foam dressing can represent a valid precaution approach.The position of patients placed in prone position should be changed every 2 h and sides should be switched.The patients in this manuscript have given written informed consent to the publication of their case details.All authors have contributed, read and approved the paper.