Field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) is a new biofuel winter annual crop with extreme cold hardiness and a short life cycle, enabling off-season integration into corn and soybean rotations across the U.S. Midwest. Pennycress fields are susceptible to winter snow melt and spring rainfall, leading to waterlogged soils. The objective of this research was to determine the extent to which waterlogging during the reproductive stage affected gene expression, morphology, physiology, recovery, and yield between two pennycress lines (SP32-10 and MN106). In a controlled environment, total pod number, shoot/root dry weight, and total seed count/weight were significantly reduced in SP32-10 in response to waterlogging, whereas primary branch number, shoot dry weight, and single seed weight were significantly reduced in MN106. This indicated waterlogging had a greater negative impact on seed yield in SP32-10 than MN106. We compared the transcriptomic response of SP32-10 and MN106 to determine the gene expression patterns underlying these different responses to seven days of waterlogging. The number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between waterlogged and control roots were doubled in MN106 (3,424) compared to SP32-10 (1,767). Functional enrichment analysis of upregulated DEGs revealed Gene Ontology (GO) terms associated with hypoxia and decreased oxygen, with genes in these categories encoding proteins involved in alcoholic fermentation and glycolysis. Additionally, downregulated DEGs revealed GO terms associated with cell wall biogenesis and suberin biosynthesis, indicating suppressed growth and energy conservation. Interestingly, MN106 waterlogged roots exhibited significant stronger regulation of these genes than SP32-10, displaying a more robust transcriptomic response overall. Together, these results reveal the reconfiguration of cellular and metabolic processes in response to the severe energy crisis invoked by waterlogging in pennycress.