Objective: This article reviews the published data encompassing the development, pharmacology, efficacy, and safety of brincidofovir, a nucleotide analogue DNA polymerase inhibitor developed for the treatment of smallpox. Data Sources: A literature review was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE, and Clinicaltrials.gov from inception up to December 2022, using terms Tembexa, brincidofovir, CMX001, smallpox treatment, and variola treatment. Study Selection and Data Extraction: Data were limited to studies published in English language, which evaluated the efficacy and safety of brincidofovir. Data Synthesis: Two surrogate animal models were included in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision to approve brincidofovir: ectromelia virus in mice and rabbitpox in rabbits. Phases 2 and 3 studies established safety for approval. Brincidofovir biweekly for the treatment of disseminated adenovirus disease resulted in all-cause mortality, ranging from 13.8% to 29%. In a study for cytomegalovirus prophylaxis, patients with clinically significant cytomegalovirus infection through week 24 posttransplant was 51.2% with brincidofovir and 52.3% with placebo. Conclusions: Brincidofovir adds a second oral agent to treat smallpox, with a different mechanism of action than tecovirimat. In the event of a smallpox outbreak, prompt treatment will be necessary to contain its spread. Brincidofovir shows efficacy in surrogate animal models. In healthy volunteers and individuals treated, or used as prophylaxis, for cytomegalovirus or adenovirus, the primary adverse events were gastrointestinal in addition to transient hepatotoxicity. Additionally, excessive deaths were observed in hematopoietic cell transplant patients receiving it as cytomegalovirus prophylaxis, requiring a black box warning.