Clinical Trials associated with SKP-0141 / Not yet recruitingPhase 3 A Phase 1/3, Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Immunogenicity of Human Plasma-derived Factor VIII (SKP-0141) for the Treatment and Prophylaxis in Male Patients with Severe Hemophilia a
This is a prospective, multicenter, open-label study to assess efficacy, safety, pharmacokinetics (PK), and immunogenicity of human plasma-derived Factor VIII (FVIII) in previously treated patients (PTPs) with severe hemophilia A. Overall, 55 male PTPs aged 12 to 65 years old with a FVIII level of < 1% and at least 150 treatment exposure days (EDs) with a previous FVIII product will be enrolled. Patients will receive SKP-0141 at a dose of 25 to 50 IU/kg every second day or 3 times per week for at least 50 EDs and/or 6 months from the start of prophylactic treatment. Efficacy of SKP-0141 will be primarily evaluated in bleeding prophylaxis with annualized bleeding rate from start of treatment and until end of treatment (Visit 10).
100 Clinical Results associated with SKP-0141
100 Translational Medicine associated with SKP-0141
100 Patents (Medical) associated with SKP-0141
100 Deals associated with SKP-0141