Glaucoma Research Foundation Releases Informational Audiobook for Glaucoma Patients in Collaboration with Braille Institute of America

19 Mar 2024
SAN FRANCISCO, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Glaucoma Research Foundation (GRF), a national nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for glaucoma, today announced the release of a 48-minute audiobook version of their flagship 40-page educational booklet "Understanding and Living with Glaucoma."
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Narrated by Orange County actress, advocate, and glaucoma patient Bianca Beach, the audiobook project is a collaboration with Braille Institute of America, a nonprofit organization that provides free programs, seminars, and one-on-one instruction for the visually impaired community. "It's so important to have this type of resource available to patients with glaucoma," Beach said, "because if you're not able to read the booklet, you need to be able to hear it."
The free glaucoma audiobook narrated by Bianca Beach is available for patients to listen, download, and share.
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Thomas Brunner, president and CEO of Glaucoma Research Foundation said, "One of the pillars of our mission is to empower people affected by glaucoma with knowledge, insight, resources, and inspiration. Making our flagship publication 'Understanding and Living with Glaucoma' available as an audio book in collaboration with Braille Institute helps to make this educational resource accessible by anyone including those with visual impairment. The free educational booklet is edited by glaucoma specialists and recommended by eye doctors as a wonderfully understandable introduction to glaucoma."
Andrew Iwach, MD, GRF board chair, added: "We believe in treating patients and their families with respect and dignity. We're always seeking ways to educate patients to help them understand and manage their condition in collaboration with their doctor. The audio book version of 'Understanding and Living with Glaucoma' will help those with low vision to access key information about glaucoma including symptoms, types, diagnostic exams, treatments, questions to ask your doctor, and more."
In a statement, Lisa Lepore, Director of Library Services at Braille Institute said, "Thanks to our supporters, our award-winning library was transformed last year to include a state-of-the-art recording studio that offers new opportunities to produce audiobooks and other materials. Collaborations like this allow Braille Institute to expand our reach in the low vision community and ensure access to additional resources that help maximize independence and quality of life for those living with vision loss."
The free audio book for "Understanding and Living with Glaucoma" is available to listen and download from Glaucoma Research Foundation's SoundCloud page,  and on the website at
SOURCE Glaucoma Research Foundation
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