/ Not yet recruitingNot ApplicableIIT ImpRovEd Care After eSophageCtomy Using an Algorithm for postoperativE Complications - RESCUE Trial
The objective of the RESCUE-trial is to investigate whether implementation of a consensus-based clinical care algorithm to standardize diagnosis and management of postoperative complications reduces 90-day mortality, ICU (re)admission and surgical interventions after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer.
/ RecruitingNot ApplicableIIT Contrast-enhanced Mammography and Abbreviated MRI as Supplemental Screening Modalities for Women Aged 50-75 With Extremely Dense Breast Tissue: the DENSE-2 Trial
Women with extremely dense breasts (nearly all glandular and connective tissue, little fatty tissue) have a 3-6 times higher risk of breast cancer than women with very low breast density. Moreover, due to the masking effect of the dense tissue, any breast tumours present are more difficult to detect in these women. With the results of the DENSE trial, the investigators showed that among women with extremely dense breasts, a combination of MRI and mammography could detect tumours earlier than mammography only. As the implementation of MRI in the screening program induces considerable costs and capacity requirements, the Dutch Ministry of Health would like to investigate whether cheaper and acceptable alternatives can be implemented more easily. In the DENSE-2 study, proposed here, we will investigate contrast-enhanced mammography and an abbreviated form of MRI as alternatives, in a large-scale randomized trial, within the current population-based screening program.
/ RecruitingNot Applicable Remimazolam for long-term sedation during invasive mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients - Remimazolam in ICU patients
100 Clinical Results associated with Stichting Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
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100 Deals associated with Stichting Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
100 Translational Medicine associated with Stichting Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis