/ Not yet recruitingPhase 1 SH3765片在晚期恶性肿瘤患者中单、多次剂量递增的安全性、耐受性及药代动力学的I期临床研究。
[Translation] A phase I clinical study on the safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of single and multiple ascending doses of SH3765 tablets in patients with advanced malignant tumors.
[Translation] Primary objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of single and multiple administrations of SH3765 tablets in patients with advanced malignant tumors, and to determine the dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) and maximum tolerated dose (MTD).
Secondary objective: To study the pharmacokinetic characteristics of SH3765 tablets; to preliminarily evaluate the efficacy of SH3765 tablets in the treatment of patients with advanced malignant tumors, and to provide a basis for determining the recommended dose for Phase II clinical trials.
Exploratory objective: To explore biomarkers of SH3765 tablets in the treatment of patients with advanced malignant tumors.
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100 Translational Medicine associated with Nanjing Huicheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.