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Groundbreaking Biologic Dupixent Shows Promising Results in Bullous Pemphigoid Study
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Groundbreaking Biologic Dupixent Shows Promising Results in Bullous Pemphigoid Study
15 September 2024
Dupixent, the pioneering biologic, has shown remarkable success in reducing symptoms and achieving disease remission in a pivotal study on bullous pemphigoid.
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Encouraging Phase 1 Results for Nxera Pharma and Centessa's New Sleep Deprivation Drug, ORX750
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Encouraging Phase 1 Results for Nxera Pharma and Centessa's New Sleep Deprivation Drug, ORX750
15 September 2024
Nxera Pharma's collaborator Centessa reveals encouraging interim Phase 1 clinical results for their new OX2R agonist, ORX750, in healthy volunteers with acute sleep deprivation.
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FDA Approves TREMFYA® for Severe Ulcerative Colitis, Enhancing Johnson & Johnson's Market Position
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FDA Approves TREMFYA® for Severe Ulcerative Colitis, Enhancing Johnson & Johnson's Market Position
15 September 2024
The U.S. FDA has approved TREMFYA® (guselkumab) for adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, bolstering Johnson & Johnson's position in the inflammatory bowel disease market.
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Check out our latest report
GPRC5D Target Patent Research Report

GPRC5D Target Patent Research Report

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a stubborn disease that remains incurable. In recent years, targeted therapies against B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) have shown promising responses in a substantial number of treated patients. However, the global relapse rate among myeloma patients following anti-BCMA treatment strategies is on the rise. This necessitates continuous exploration of therapies with novel mechanisms of action and new targets, one of which is the G protein-coupled receptor family C group 5 member D (GPRC5D). Due to its unique expression in the plasma cell lineage of MM patients, along with positive data from targeted chimeric antigen receptor T cells (CAR-T) and bispecific antibodies (BsAb), GPRC5D has emerged as an ideal target for anti-myeloma antibodies. The latest "GPRC5D Target Patent Research Report" from Patsnap Lifescience offers an in-depth analysis of global R&D trends related to the GPRC5D target. The report indicates that besides the already marketed Talquetamab, there are 38 drugs currently in clinical or preclinical stages. The R&D trends and market prospects of these drugs are poised to be critical to the future of MM treatment. In terms of patent coverage, the GPRC5D target enjoys a long protection period, providing development companies with prolonged R&D incentives and market exclusivity. The report not only covers the core patent status of approved drugs but also estimates the patent protection periods for clinical stage drugs, offering significant references for R&D decision-making within the industry. Additionally, the report highlights the exploration of combination therapies involving GPRC5D-targeted drugs and their potential applications in other plasma cell disorders, thus providing new perspectives for the future direction of MM treatment. As more companies invest in the development of innovative drugs targeting GPRC5D, we believe this target will offer more treatment options and hope to MM patients.

Global Drug R&D Express (July 2024)

Global Drug R&D Express (July 2024)

This report compiles and summarizes the basic information of all the first-to-market and special review drugs globally for the month of July totaling 110 drugs. Among them, 1 first-to-market drugs and 1 drugs under special review were selected for detailed analysis. The report provides an in-depth interpretation of these drugs, covering various aspects such as basic information, development status, technological barriers, mechanism of action, clinical trials, and competitive landscape.

siRNA Drug Amvuttra Patent Research and Practical Operation Guide

siRNA Drug Amvuttra Patent Research and Practical Operation Guide

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) are short double-stranded RNA molecules, typically 21-25 nucleotides long. On June 13, 2022, Alnylam's siRNA drug Amvuttra® (Vutrisiran) was approved by the FDA for treating polyneuropathy in adults with hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis. As Alnylam's flagship product, Amvuttra generated $560 million in sales in 2023. Compared to Alnylam's Onpattro, Amvuttra has lower manufacturing costs, requires less frequent dosing, and offers convenient subcutaneous injection, potentially leading more patients to switch to Amvuttra. Over 20 companies globally are developing siRNA drugs, but Alnylam dominates the market with a robust patent strategy covering Amvuttra's core components, delivery agents, sequences, and modifications. Alnylam utilizes divisional and continuation applications to maintain extensive patent protection, serving as a model for siRNA drug patenting. This report focuses on siRNA drug patent searches, using Alnylam's Amvuttra as a case study to illustrate the research process. It also provides an overview of the latest patent landscapes in the U.S. and China.

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