"What" Series

What is withdrawal adverse?

18 December 2023
2 min read

After long-term use of a certain drug, the body has adapted to the drug. Once the drug is stopped or reduced too fast, the body's regulatory function is dysregulated, resulting in functional disorders, rebound and recovery of disease or symptoms, and aggravation of disease, which is called withdrawal adverse. The addiction and habit of drugs have long been known. However, due to the confusion in the use of the above two terms, it is necessary to determine a more scientific term. For this reason, the World Health Organization Expert Committee replaced the terms "addictive" and "habitual" with the term "drug dependence" in 1964, and in 1969, the World Health Organization Expert Committee became aware of drug dependence
The meaning of sex is described as follows: drug dependence is a mental state caused by the interaction between drugs and the body, sometimes including a specific state, showing a compulsive behavior and other reactions of continuous or regular use of the drug, in order to feel its mental effect, sometimes to avoid discomfort caused by drug withdrawal, and tolerance can occur or not occur. Drug users can become dependent on more than one drug. In short, drug dependence is a state of dependence on drugs caused by repeated (periodic or continuous) drug use, either psychologically or physiologically or both, showing a compulsive behavior and other reactions of continuous or regular drug use.

Oculis Starts Phase 2b RELIEF Trial Enrolling First Patient for Licaminlimab (OCS-02), a Topical Anti-TNFα Drug for Dry Eye Treatment
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4 min read
Oculis Starts Phase 2b RELIEF Trial Enrolling First Patient for Licaminlimab (OCS-02), a Topical Anti-TNFα Drug for Dry Eye Treatment
15 December 2023
Oculis Reveals Initial Participant Commencement in Phase 2b RELIEF Study for Topical Anti-TNFα Agent Licaminlimab (OCS-02) Aimed at Treating Dry Eye Conditions.
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Understanding Renin Inhibitors and Methods to Keep Abreast of Their Recent Developments
Understanding Renin Inhibitors and Methods to Keep Abreast of Their Recent Developments
15 December 2023
Renin inhibitors are drugs that target the enzyme renin, crucial in regulating blood pressure. The future sees potential applications in treating hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
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Xilio Therapeutics Starts Phase 1 Trial Enrollment for XTX101 Combo and Updates Monotherapy Data
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3 min read
Xilio Therapeutics Starts Phase 1 Trial Enrollment for XTX101 Combo and Updates Monotherapy Data
15 December 2023
Xilio Therapeutics Announces Initiation of Enrollment for Phase 1 Combination Trial of XTX101, a Tumor-Activated, Fc-Enhanced Anti-CTLA-4, and Updated Phase 1 Monotherapy Data.
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What is pre marketing clinical trial? What is the purpose of pre marketing trials?
"What" Series
2 min read
What is pre marketing clinical trial? What is the purpose of pre marketing trials?
15 December 2023
Pre marketing clinical trials are clinical trials designed to obtain information about the effectiveness and safety of a new drug.
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