Clinical Trials associated with PRIM-DJ2727 / Not yet recruitingPhase 2IIT A Study of Microbiome Transplantation for the Treatment of Constipation in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the tolerability and safety of frozen and lyophilized microbiome transplant product (PRIM- DJ2727), to characterize the microbiome (α-diversity and β-diversity) and metabolome in patients with Systemic Sclerosis (SSc)related constipation, to examine improvement in constipation after microbiome transplant by comparing post-treatment with pre- treatment fecal samples and patient-reported outcome measures, to examine improved colonic transit after microbiome transplant , to examine subjective global improvement and improvement in SSc disease characteristics, to monitor change for change in concentration in systemic and fecal inflammatory markers to monitor for change in fecal short-chain fatty acids and metabolome and to provide data that will be used to determine the appropriateness of designing a properly powered clinical trial of microbial restoration treatment in the SSc population
A Randomized, Open-label, Pilot Study to Evaluate the Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
The study is to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of frozen FMT delivery via retention enema compared to lyophilized powder given in oral capsules as induction FMT in subjects with active UC. This study will also determine changes in microbiome (diversity and genera) and proportion of antibody-coated microbiota from baseline to after completion of FMT.
A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study to Characterize the Intestinal Microbiome and to Evaluate the Safety and Fecal Microbiome Changes Following Twice Weekly Administration of Lyophilized PRIM-DJ2727 or Placebo Given Orally for 12 Weeks in Subjects With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Potential subjects with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) will be identified by gastroenterologists (study investigators). Twelve eligible subjects with NAFLD will be randomly assigned to receive either active fecal microbiota transplantation in orally administered capsules or Placebo capsules and dosed twice weekly for 12 weeks. .
100 Clinical Results associated with PRIM-DJ2727
100 Translational Medicine associated with PRIM-DJ2727
100 Patents (Medical) associated with PRIM-DJ2727
100 Deals associated with PRIM-DJ2727