Clinical Trials associated with Autologous peripheral blood stem cells(KLSMC Stem Cells)Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label, Standard Treatment-Controlled Parallel Group Phase 2 Study to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Intra-Articular Injections of Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cells and Hyaluronic Acid Adjuvant Therapy Following Subchondral Drilling Surgery for the Treatment of Articular Cartilage Injury in the Knee With an Optional Open-Label Extension for the Standard Treatment-Controlled Group
This is a 24-month, multicenter, randomized, open-label, standard treatment-controlled, parallel-group, Phase 2 study for adults with large or complicated knee articular cartilage lesions and are candidates for knee joint cartilage repair surgery. The safety and efficacy of intra-articular injections of peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) together with hyaluronic acid (HA) after subchondral drilling surgery will be evaluated to determine whether PBSC therapy can improve functional outcome and reduce pain of the knee joint better than a standard treatment (HA injections and physiotherapy regimen).
100 Clinical Results associated with Autologous peripheral blood stem cells(KLSMC Stem Cells)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Autologous peripheral blood stem cells(KLSMC Stem Cells)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Autologous peripheral blood stem cells(KLSMC Stem Cells)
100 Deals associated with Autologous peripheral blood stem cells(KLSMC Stem Cells)