Apogee's $350M offering; BiomX merges with Adaptive Phage

06 Mar 2024
Phase 1Phase 2
Plus, news about Telios Pharma and Celldex Therapeutics:
Another day, another public offering: Apogee Therapeutics is aiming to raise $350 million in a stock sale announced the same day that it shared Phase I data for its atopic dermatitis treatment in healthy volunteers that hints at potentially longer dosing intervals. — Jaimy Lee
BiomX merges with Adaptive Phage Therapeutics: The combined phage therapy biotech will have two Phase II assets: BX004 for chronic pulmonary infections in cystic fibrosis, and BX211 for diabetic foot osteomyelitis. BiomX also secured a $50 million private placement to advance the programs through clinical readouts in 2025. — Ayisha Sharma
Apogee's $350M offering; BiomX merges with Adaptive Phage
Source: EndPoints
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