New publication demonstrates 100% reduction in pressure injuries for all patients - regardless of skin tone : Arjo Inc.

13 Mar 2024
Clinical Result
ADDISON, Ill., March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --
The Journal of Advanced Nursing has recently published a quality improvement project titled `Shedding new light for nurses: Enhancing PI prevention across skin tones with SEM assessment technology'. The project reveals implementation of SEM assessment technology enabled equitable pressure injury prevention for all population types and resulted in a 100% reduction in pressure injuries in a Critical Care Unit for 12 consecutive weeks.
As mentioned within the publication "Reported hospital acquired pressure injury incidence rates are much higher in special care settings, including intensive/critical care, medical/surgical care and in individual population groups, including dark skin patients and veterans with spinal cord injuries."
Led by Dr. Cynthia Osborne Chambers, the clinical team conducted an extensive analysis of data collected from a diverse cohort of critical care unit patients over a period of twelve weeks. Initial focus was on pressure injury prevention strategies using current standard of care. Then the Provizio® SEM Scanner was introduced for an additional twelve-week period to determine the impact of this objective, skin tone agnostic device.
The findings highlight disparity in pressure injury incidence rate amongst dark tone skin patients compared to light skin tone patients. This disparity points to potential systemic issues that warrant an equitable and objective pressure injury prevention solution to be adopted as an adjunct to the current standard of care.
The results of this project showed a 100% reduction in pressure injuries for all patients over the twelve-week period using the Provizio SEM Scanner as an adjunct to current standard of care for all patients, regardless of the patient's skin tone. Notably, 70% of patients in the cohort had dark tone skin highlighting the importance of this skin tone agnostic technology.
To access this compelling study, please visit: Shedding new light for nurses: Enhancing pressure injury prevention across skin tones with sub-epidermal moisture assessment technology.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact:
Hailey Hotaki, MBA
[email protected]
Kate Hancock
[email protected]
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SOURCE Arjo Inc.
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