Takeda’s HYQVIA® Approved by European Commission as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

29 Jan 2024
Clinical ResultDrug ApprovalPhase 3Immunotherapy
OSAKA, Japan & CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA I January 29, 2024 I Takeda (TSE:4502/NYSE:TAK) today announced that the European Commission (EC) approved HYQVIA® [Immune Globulin Infusion 10% (Human) with Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase] as maintenance therapy in patients of all ages with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) after stabilization with intravenous immunoglobulin therapy (IVIG). Takeda previously announced a positive opinion from the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) on December 15, 20231 and approval as a maintenance therapy for adults with CIDP by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on January 16, 2024.2
As the first and only facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin (fSCIG) for CIDP, HYQVIA offers the potential for patients to infuse up to once monthly (every two, three or four weeks), as the hyaluronidase component facilitates the dispersion and absorption of large immunoglobulin (IG) volumes in the subcutaneous space between the skin and the muscle. HYQVIA can be administered by a healthcare professional or self-administered in the comfort of a patient’s own home after appropriate training.3
“Following the FDA approval of the HYQVIA CIDP indication in January 2024, the EC’s approval of HYQVIA for CIDP is a critical step towards giving people in the EU living with CIDP access to a maintenance treatment with proven efficacy that can be administered up to once monthly, at-home or in-office,” said Kristina Allikmets, senior vice present and head of Research & Development for Takeda’s Plasma-Derived Therapies Business Unit. “This expanded indication for HYQVIA also reflects Takeda’s commitment to bring the benefits of our immunoglobulin therapies to people with neuroimmunological disorders and provide treatment options that have the potential to positively impact their lives and elevate the standard of care.”
CIDP is an acquired, immune-mediated condition affecting the peripheral nervous system that is characterized by progressive, symmetric weakness in distal and proximal limbs and impaired sensory function in the extremities.4 The role of IG therapy for this rare, debilitating and slowly progressing or relapsing disease has been well-established5 and is considered a standard of care for this complex and heterogeneous condition in guidelines from the European Academy of Neurology and Peripheral Nerve Society due to its broad immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.6
This approval is based on data from the pivotal Phase 3 ADVANCE-CIDP 1 trial, which was a multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study that evaluated the efficacy and safety of HYQVIA as a maintenance therapy to prevent relapse in patients with CIDP. The global study included 132 adults with a confirmed diagnosis of CIDP who had remained on a stable dosing regimen of IVIG therapy for at least three months prior to screening. Results showed a clinically significant reduction in CIDP relapse rate with HYQVIA versus placebo 15.5% (95% CI: 8.36, 26.84) in the HYQVIA and 31.7% (95% CI: 21.96, 43.39) in the placebo groups. The treatment difference was -16.2 (95% CI: -29.92, -1.27), favoring HYQVIA over placebo.3
While adverse events (AEs) were more frequent with HYQVIA (79.0% of patients) than placebo (57.1%), severe (1.6% vs 8.6%) and serious AEs (3.2% vs 7.1%) were less common. The majority of AEs were mild or moderate, local, did not require suspension of infusions, and resolved without sequelae. The most common (reported in >5% of patients) causally related AEs included headache and nausea, as well as local AEs including infusion site pain, erythema, pruritis, and edema. 7 Overall, the safety profile observed in the ADVANCE-CIDP 1 trial was generally consistent with the existing EU Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).3
The centralized marketing authorization for HYQVIA in CIDP is valid in all EU member states as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Northern Ireland. HYQVIA first received approval from the EC for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in 2013 as well as secondary immunodeficiency (SID) in 2020.8
HYQVIA® [Immune Globulin Infusion 10% (Human) with Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase] is a liquid medicine containing Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase and immunoglobulins (IG) and is approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as a replacement therapy in adults, children and adolescents with primary immunodeficiency (PI) and with secondary immunodeficiency (SID) who suffer from severe or recurrent infections, ineffective antimicrobial treatment, and either proven specific antibody failure (PSAF) or serum IgG level of
About the ADVANCE Clinical Program
ADVANCE-CIDP 1 was a Phase 3, multicenter, placebo-controlled, double-blinded study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of HYQVIA® [Immune Globulin Infusion 10% (Human) with Recombinant Human Hyaluronidase] as a maintenance therapy to prevent relapse in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). The global study included 132 adults with a confirmed diagnosis of CIDP and who had remained on a stable dosing regimen of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy for at least three months prior to screening.
The primary endpoint of the clinical trial was the proportion of subjects who experienced a worsening of functional disability, defined as an increase of ≥1 point relative to the pre-subcutaneous (SC) treatment baseline score in two consecutive adjusted Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) disability scores. The primary efficacy analysis compared relapse rates using a continuity-corrected χ2 test conducted at the 5% level of statistical significance, with missing data imputed as no relapse. Some of the secondary endpoints included time to relapse as defined by relapse probability, effect on activities of daily living (ADL), safety and tolerability. Patients were randomized to receive either HYQVIA or placebo at the same dose and infusion frequency as their prior IVIG treatment (every two, three or four weeks) for six months or until relapse. Patients who relapsed were offered IVIG treatment as rescue therapy for a period of up to six months. Those who remained relapse free were offered to continue HYQVIA treatment as part of ADVANCE-CIDP 3, an open-label extension clinical trial to assess the long-term safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of HYQVIA in participants with CIDP who completed ADVANCE-CIDP 1.
Further information about the ADVANCE-CIDP 1 clinical trial is available at ClinicalTrials.gov under study identifier NCT02549170.
HyQvia® (Human normal immunoglobulin) 100 mg/ml solution for infusion for subcutaneous use PRESCRIBING INFORMATION
Always refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) and the local prescribing information of your country before prescribing.
Presentation: HyQvia is a dual vial unit consisting of one vial of 10% human normal immunoglobulin (Ig) and one vial of recombinant human hyaluronidase (see the SmPC for details).
Indications: Replacement therapy in adults, children and adolescents (0-18 years) in: primary immunodeficiency syndromes (PID) with impaired antibody production; secondary immunodeficiencies (SID) in patients who suffer from severe or recurrent infections, ineffective antimicrobial treatment and either proven specific antibody failure (PSAF) or serum IgG level of
Dosage and administration: For subcutaneous use only. Therapy should be initiated and monitored under the supervision of a physician experienced in the treatment of immunodeficiency/CIDP. The product should be brought to room temperature before use. Inspect both vials for discolouration and particulate matter before administration. Do not use heating devices including microwaves. Do not shake or mix the components of the two vials. Suggested infusion site(s) are the middle to upper abdomen and thighs. The two components of the medicinal product must be administered sequentially through the same needle beginning with the recombinant human hyaluronidase followed by Ig 10%. Please see the SmPC for infusion rates. The full contents of the recombinant human hyaluronidase vial should be administered regardless of whether the full contents of the Ig 10% vial is administered. Longer needles may be used under medical supervision to prevent infusion site leakage. Home treatment should be initiated and monitored by a physician experienced in the guidance of patients for home treatment. Posology: Dose and dosage regimen may need to be individualised for each patient dependent on the response. The dose and dose regimens are dependent on the indication. Dose based on body weight may require adjustment in underweight or overweight patients. Replacement therapy in PID: Patients naïve to Ig therapy: The dose required to achieve a trough level of 6 g/L is approximately 0.4-0.8 g/kg body weight/month. The dose interval to maintain steady state levels varies from 2-4 weeks. IgG trough levels should be measured and assessed in conjunction with the incidence of infection. To reduce the rate of infection, it may be necessary to increase the dose and aim for higher trough levels (>6 g/l). At the initiation of therapy, it is recommended that the treatment intervals for the first infusions be gradually prolonged from a 1-week dose to up to a 3- or 4-week dose. Patients previously treated with intravenous (IV) Ig: For patients switching directly from IV Ig, or who have had a previous IV dose that can be referenced, the medicinal product should be administered at the same dose and at the same frequency as their previous IV Ig treatment. Patients previously treated with Ig administered subcutaneously: the initial dose of HyQvia is the same as for subcutaneous treatment but may be adjusted to 3- or 4-week intervals. The first infusion should be given one week after the last treatment with the previous Ig. Replacement therapy in SID: the recommended dose is 0.2-0.4 g/kg every 3 to 4 weeks. IgG levels should be measured and assessed in conjunction with the incidence of infection. Dose should be adjusted as necessary to achieve optimal protection against infections, an increase may be necessary in patients with persisting infection; a dose decrease can be considered when the patient remains infection free. Immunomodulatory therapy in CIDP: Before initiating therapy, the weekly equivalent dose should be calculated by dividing the planned dose by the planned dose interval in weeks. The typical dosing interval range for HyQvia is 3 -to 4 - weeks. The recommended subcutaneous dose is 0.3 to 2.4 g/kg body weight per month, administered in 1-or 2-sessions over 1-or 2-days. The patient`s clinical response should be the primary consideration in dose adjustment. The dose may need to be adapted to achieve the desired clinical response. In clinical deterioration, the dose may be increased to the recommended maximum of 2.4 g/kg monthly. If the patient is clinically stable, periodic dose reductions may be needed to observe whether the patient still needs IG therapy. A titration schedule that permits gradual dose increase over time (ramp-up) is recommended to ensure the patient’s tolerability until the full dose is reached. During the titration schedule, the calculated HyQvia dose and recommended dose intervals must be followed for the first and second infusions. Depending on the treating physician's discretion, in patients who tolerate the first 2 infusions well, subsequent infusions may be administered by gradually increasing doses and dose intervals, considering the volume and total infusion time. An accelerated titration schedule may be considered if the patient tolerates the SC infusion volumes and the first 2 infusions. Doses less than or equal to 0.4 g/kg may be administered without a titration schedule, provided acceptable patient tolerance. Patients must be on stable doses (Variations in the dosing interval of up to ±7 days or monthly equivalent dose amount of up to ±20% between the subject’s IgG infusions are considered a stable dose) of IVIg. Before initiating therapy with the medicinal product, the weekly equivalent dose should be calculated by dividing the last IVIg dose by the IVIg dose interval in weeks. The starting dose and dosing frequency are the same as the patient’s previous IVIg treatment. The typical dosing interval for HyQvia is 4-weeks. For patients with less frequent IVIg dosing (greater than 4-weeks), the dosing interval can be converted to 4-weeks while maintaining the same monthly equivalent IgG dose. The calculated one-week dose (1st infusion) should be administered 2 - weeks after the last IVIg infusion (see Table 1 of the SmPC). One week after the first dose, the next weekly equivalent dose (2nd infusion) should be administered. A titration schedule can take up to 9-weeks (see Table 1 of the SmPC), depending on the dosing interval and tolerability. On a given infusion day, the maximum infusion volume should not exceed 1200 mL for patients weighing ≥40 kg or 600 mL for Paediatric population: Replacement therapy and Immunomodulatory therapy: follow adult dosage guidance.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to any ingredient or human IG especially in patients with antibodies against IgA; systemic hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase or human recombinant hyaluronidase; HyQvia must not be given IV or intramuscularly.
Warnings and precautions: If HyQvia is accidentally administered into a blood vessel, patients could develop shock. The recommended infusion rate given in the SmPC should be adhered to. Infuse slowly and monitor closely throughout the infusion period, particularly patients starting therapy. Patients may require monitoring for up to 1 hour after administration. Manage infusion related events by slowing the infusion rate or stopping the infusion. Treatment will depend on the nature and severity of the adverse event. Patients should be reminded to report chronic inflammation and nodules which occur at the infusion site or other locations. For home treatment, patients should have the support of another responsible person in case of adverse reactions. Record treatment with HyQvia and batch number in patients’ notes.
Hypersensitivity: Hypersensitivity reactions are possible in patients with anti-IgA antibodies who should only be treated with HyQvia if alternative treatments are not possible and under close medical supervision. In case of hypersensitivity, shock or anaphylactic-like reactions, discontinue the infusion immediately and treat the patient for shock. Rarely, human normal IG can induce a fall in blood pressure with anaphylactic reaction. In high-risk patients HyQvia should only be administered where supportive care is available for life threatening reactions. Patients should be informed of the early signs of anaphylaxis/ hypersensitivity. Pre-medication may be used as a preventative measure.
Hypersensitivity to recombinant human hyaluronidase: Any suspicion of allergic or anaphylactic like reactions following recombinant human hyaluronidase administration requires immediate discontinuation of the infusion and standard medical treatment should be administered, if necessary.
Immunogenicity of recombinant human hyaluronidase: Development of non-neutralising antibodies and neutralizing antibodies to the recombinant human hyaluronidase component has been reported in patients receiving HyQvia in clinical studies.
Thromboembolism: Thromboembolic events including myocardial infarction, stroke, deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism have been observed with IG treatment and cannot be excluded with use of HyQvia. Ensure adequate hydration prior to treatment. Monitor for signs and symptoms of thrombosis and assess blood viscosity in patients at risk. Patients should be informed about initial symptoms and advised to contact their physician immediately upon onset.
Haemolytic anaemia: IG products contain antibodies to blood groups (e.g. A, B, D) which may act as haemolysins. Monitor for signs and symptoms of haemolysis.
Aseptic meningitis syndrome: has been reported, symptoms usually begin within several hours to 2 days following treatment. Patients should be informed about initial symptoms. Discontinuation of IG treatment may result in remission within several days without sequelae.
Interference with serological testing: After infusion of immunoglobulins, the transitory rise of the various passively transferred antibodies in the patient’s blood may result in misleading positive results in serological testing. Passive transmission of antibodies to erythrocyte´s surface antigens may interfere with some serological tests for red cell antibodies. Infusions of immunoglobulin products may lead to false positive readings in assays that depend on detection of β-D glucans for diagnosis of fungal infections.
Transmissible agents: Infectious diseases due to the transmission of infective agents cannot be totally excluded.
Sodium content: The recombinant human hyaluronidase component contains 4.03 mg sodium/mL. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.
Traceability: The name and the batch number of the administered product should be clearly recorded.
Interactions: Live attenuated virus vaccines – postpone vaccination for 3 months after treatment with HyQvia. For measles vaccine, impairment may persist for up to 1 year, so check antibody status. Please see the SmPC for details.
Fertility, pregnancy and lactation: Safety during pregnancy has not been established and immunoglobulins are excreted into the milk, therefore use with caution in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines: The ability to drive and operate machines may be impaired by some adverse reactions e.g., dizziness associated with this medicinal product. Patients who experience adverse reactions during treatment should wait for these to resolve before driving or operating machines.
Common (≥1/100,
Uncommon (≥ 1/1 000 to
Other undesirable effects (rare or unknown frequency): Meningitis aseptic, Hypersensitivity, Direct Coombs’ test positive, Infusion site leakage, Influenza-like illness.
Refer to the SmPC for details on full side effect and interactions.
Marketing Authorisation (MA) numbers: 2.5g EU/1/13/840/001, 5g EU/1/13/840/002, 10g EU/1/13/840/003, 20g EU/1/13/840/004, 30g EU/1/13/840/005. Name and address of MA holder: Baxalta Innovations GmbH, Industriestrasse 67, A-1221 Vienna, Austria. HyQvia is a registered trade name.
PI approval code: PI-02941
Date of preparation: January 2024.
Further information is available on request.
Adverse events should be reported to the authorities in your country as required by local law. Adverse events should also be reported to Takeda at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Full U.S. Prescribing Information, please visit: https://www.shirecontent.com/PI/PDFs/HYQVIA_USA_ENG.pdf
About Takeda
Takeda is focused on creating better health for people and a brighter future for the world. We aim to discover and deliver life-transforming treatments in our core therapeutic and business areas, including gastrointestinal and inflammation, rare diseases, plasma-derived therapies, oncology, neuroscience and vaccines. Together with our partners, we aim to improve the patient experience and advance a new frontier of treatment options through our dynamic and diverse pipeline. As a leading values-based, R&D-driven biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Japan, we are guided by our commitment to patients, our people and the planet. Our employees in approximately 80 countries and regions are driven by our purpose and are grounded in the values that have defined us for more than two centuries. For more information, visit www.takeda.com.
1 Takeda Pharmaceuticals. (2023 December 15). Takeda Receives Positive CHMP Opinion for HYQVIA® as Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) [Press Release]. Available here. Last accessed January 2024.
2 Takeda Pharmaceuticals. (2024 January 16). U.S. FDA Approves Takeda’s HYQVIA® as Maintenance Therapy in Adults with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) [Press Release]. Available here. Last accessed January 2024.
3 European Medicines Agency. HyQvia 100 mg/mL solution for infusion for subcutaneous use Summary of Product Characteristics. Available at https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/hyqvia-epar-product-information_en.pdf.
4 Dalakas MC; Medscape. Advances in the diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment of CIDP. Nat Rev Neurol. 2011;7(9):507-517.
5 Eftimov F, et al. Intravenous immunoglobulin for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;(12):CD001797.
6 Van den Bergh PYK, et al. European Academy of Neurology/Peripheral Nerve Society guideline on diagnosis and treatment of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: Report of a joint Task Force-Second revision [published correction appears in J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2022 Mar;27(1):94].
7 Bril V, et al. Hyaluronidase-facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin 10% as maintenance therapy for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy: The ADVANCE-CIDP 1 randomized controlled trial. J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2023;28(3):436-449.
8 European Medicines Agency. HyQvia product information. Available here. Last Accessed January 2024
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