Clinical Validation of a Non-Invasive Diagnostic Test for Adrenal Insufficiency using Comparative Pharmacodynamic Equivalence in a Patient Population Salivary Test of Adrenal Response to Liquid Intranasal Tetracosactide - Study 3 (STARLIT-3)
/ RecruitingNot ApplicableIIT A Pilot Study of the Use of Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in Scoliosis
This is a pilot study to look at image quality of iDXA AP supine spinal images to see if the investigators can accurately measure the size of the curve from iDXA images and to see how patients with scoliosis feel about iDXA imaging compared to normal x-rays. With normal x-rays being taken standing (or sitting if patients are in a wheelchair), it is important that the investigators understand how the lying down images compare to the standing images. Where there may be some clinical benefit, images will be taken standing (normal x-rays) and lying down (iDXA images). The investigators will see if the addition of iDXA images can help in brace design and brace monitoring.
/ RecruitingNot ApplicableIIT Accommodation Response in Hypermetropic Anisometropia (ARIHA) Study: Accommodation Changes During Amblyopia Treatment and Pilot Residual Amblyopia Treatment Study
Anisometropic amblyopia is when one eye has a much stronger glasses prescription than the other, causing poor vision in one eye, even with glasses, because the brain favours the better-seeing eye.
With standard care treatment (glasses plus either patching or atropine drops given to the better seeing eye), 35% of children with anisometropic amblyopia do not have any significant visual improvements, and will have reduced vision in one eye for life. There is no consensus for the reasons why some children do not respond as well as others.
Recent research using the Plusoptix PowerRefractor (PR3), which quickly measures eye focusing (accommodation), suggested that in children with anisometropic amblyopia, the focusing of the amblyopic eye might influence treatment success. However, such measurements weren't previously common due to equipment limitations in clinics.
The investigators aim to use the non-invasive PR3 to assess accommodation in hypermetropic anisometropic amblyopia, at the University of Sheffield. This will be a two-phase study of children aged 4-10 years who have hypermetropic anisometropia. The investigators will recruit participants attending the Ophthalmology Department at Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust (SCH). The investigators will take repeated measurements of accommodation at points during standard care treatment (phase 1) and conduct a pilot intervention study (phase 2) to determine whether adjusting glasses prescriptions based on accommodation responses with amblyopia treatment can improve vision in the weaker eye. The goal is to gather evidence to inform a future larger multicentre RCT to improve the visual outcomes for anisometropic amblyopic children in the future.
100 Clinical Results associated with Sheffield Childrens Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Sheffield Childrens Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
100 Deals associated with Sheffield Childrens Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
100 Translational Medicine associated with Sheffield Childrens Hospital NHS Foundation Trust