Introduction. Analysis of mineral content of food and cultural medicinal plants is necessary in the quality assessment. Quantity and essential trace elements may do complexes with biological active substances in the plants and effect at the food nutritional value and pharmacological effects. Vac-cinium myrtillus and Caucasian endemic V. arctostaphylos are rich food products and source of anthocyanin for pharmacy and medicine. Aim – the comparative investigation of mineral content of Vaccinium arctostaphylos and V. myrtillus fruits. Material and methods. We investigated mineral content (36 elements) in the air-dried fruits of Vaccinium arctostaphylos and V. myrtillus and in the ash obtained by the method of State Pharmacopoeia of Russian Federation XV edition. Then we used inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after acid mineralization. Results. There are 21 and 22 elements in the Vaccinium arctostaphylos and V. myrtillus fruits respectively: 5 – major elements, 5 – trace elements and 12 – metals. There are 24 elements in the ash of both species: 5 – major elements, 5 – trace elements, 14 – metals. Potassium, phosphorus, calci-um, manganese, barium and rubidium are the main elements in the fruits and ash. Conclusions. Vaccinium arctostaphylos and V. myrtillus fruits have similar mineral profile, the main components are potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron. The accumulation of rubidium and barium is a feature of the fruits of two types of blueberries.