/ Not yet recruitingPhase 4 评价盐酸头孢卡品酯颗粒治疗儿童急性呼吸系统细菌感染的有效性及安全性的多中心、随机、双盲、阳性对照的IV期临床研究
[Translation] A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, positive-controlled phase IV clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of cefcapone hydrochloride granules in the treatment of acute respiratory bacterial infections in children
[Translation] Primary purpose: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of cefuroxime hydrochloride granules in the treatment of acute respiratory bacterial infections in children;
Secondary purpose: To evaluate the safety of cefuroxime hydrochloride granules in the treatment of acute respiratory bacterial infections in children; To evaluate the microbiological efficacy of cefuroxime hydrochloride granules in the treatment of acute respiratory bacterial infections in children; To analyze the drug sensitivity of cefuroxime hydrochloride granules.
100 Clinical Results associated with Shionogi Pharma Chemicals Co., Ltd.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Shionogi Pharma Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Scale up case studies of Suzuki-Miyaura reaction from the field of process development
Author: Masui, Yoshiyuki
A review.This article presents the scale up case studies of Suzuki-Miyaura reaction from field of process development.
Author: Koike, Haruo
A review.Organic chem. is the basic for drug discovery.This paper introduces the techniques and methods used to optimize the reaction conditions for improved yield and simplified industrial production, with the example of synthesis S-0509, an antiulcer drug.
Desired oxidation reactions by manufacturing processes
Author: Sugioka, Tomoyuki ; Koike, Haruo
A review on the oxidation reaction in manufacturing, using acids from chromium, manganese, peroxide, tungsten, and Moffat agent.
100 Deals associated with Shionogi Pharma Chemicals Co., Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Shionogi Pharma Chemicals Co., Ltd.