Target- |
Inactive Indication- |
Drug Highest PhasePhase 3 |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.- |
First Approval Date- |
Target- |
MechanismStem cell replacements |
Inactive Indication- |
Drug Highest PhasePhase 1 |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.- |
First Approval Date- |
/ Not yet recruitingNot Applicable Sustained Cord Circulation at Emergency Cesarean Section - a New Concept for Resuscitating Neonates
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate if sustained cord circulation during resuscitation improves outcomes for term neonates born by emergency Cesarean section. The main question it aims to answer is: Does sustained cord circulation reduce admission rates to neonatal care?
Researchers will compare resuscitation with sustained cord circulation to standard resuscitation practices to see if it provides better outcomes.
Participants (term neonates born by emergency Cesarean section) will:
Receive resuscitation with either sustained cord circulation or standard care Be monitored for admission to neonatal care and other predefined health outcomes
/ Not yet recruitingNot Applicable Sustainable Hypertension Management in Primary Health Care in Sweden - Ett Hållbart Omhändertagande Av Blodtryckspatienter I Primärvården
New sustainable models of patient-focused and team-based care for patients with hypertension should be developed to achieve health improvements and cost-efficiency.
The aim of this project is to evaluate new ways of sustainable hypertension (HT) management in primary care, starting with a pilot study at 2 Primary Health Care Centres (PHCCs).
At intervention PHCCs cardiovascular risk is assessed with SCORE2 for all hypertension patients. The staff receives education on HT treatment and an easy-to-follow treatment protocol. Non-physicians lead patient education on HT in groups. Patients receive a home blood pressure (BP) monitor and communicate digitally with the assigned nurse on medication update, blood and urinary tests and follow up. The nurse consults with the physician if needed. Regular face to face visits with the physician are only scheduled for patients with high cardiovascular risk or end organ damage, otherwise for all patients if needed.
At the control PHCs hypertension care continues as usual. All participants will be asked to complete questionnaires after 6 and 24 months.
Outcomes are feasibility for the pilot study and the proportion of patients reaching BP target plus change in systolic BP, cardiovascular risk factors, patients´ and staff´s grade of satisfaction and knowledge, and health care costs for the main study, compared between intervention and control PHCCS. Results will help to establish sustainable models of treating HT patients in Primary Care.
/ Not yet recruitingNot Applicable Late Biomarkers in Adult Survivors After Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Blood samples are collected at six months follow-up from adult survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Patients will be informed about the study and if they consent to participation, venous blood will be drawn by authorised medical personnel. Plasma, serum and PAX-RNA will be collected (ca 15 ml in total), processed and frozen for analysis after trial completion.
100 Clinical Results associated with Region Skåne Holding AB
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Region Skåne Holding AB
100 Deals associated with Region Skåne Holding AB
100 Translational Medicine associated with Region Skåne Holding AB