/ CompletedNot ApplicableIIT Pilot Trial of a WT-1 Analog Peptide Vaccine in Patients With Myeloid Neoplasms
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the WT-1 vaccine causes an immune response and is safe. The WT-1 vaccine is made up of protein pieces that the patient's immune system can recognize as abnormal.
/ Unknown statusNot Applicable Un estudio de fase II de tamibaroteno en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica aguda que hayan recibido terapia previa con ATRA y trióxido de arsénico (STAR-1) - STAR-1
/ Not yet recruitingNot Applicable A Phase II, Open-label Study of INNO-206 in Patients with Recurrent Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer after First-line Platinum-based Therapy
100 Clinical Results associated with Innovive Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Innovive Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
100 Deals associated with Innovive Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Innovive Pharmaceuticals, Inc.