A Randomised, Parallel-group, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of DPK-060 to Investigate Clinical Safety and Efficacy in Patients With Acute External Otitis
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate safety and tolerability of DPK-060 2% ear drops compared to placebo for DPK-060 ear drops in patients with acute external otitis. The secondary objectives are to evaluate clinical cure and microbiological growth following treatment with DPK-060 2% ear drops compared to placebo for DPK-060 ear drops.
A Randomized, Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Study to Investigate Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety Following Topical Application of DPK-060
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate microbial density in eczematous lesions during two weeks of twice daily therapy with the investigational product, DPK-060 1% ointment, compared with placebo in patients with atopic dermatitis. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled part of the study was preceded with an open-label investigation in a small group of patients (n=5) treated with two applications of DPK-060 1% ointment per day for four days to assess safety, local tolerability and systemic absorption of DPK-060.
The secondary objectives were to evaluate severity of eczema and pruritus, to assess the tolerability and safety of the treatment and to assess the degree of systemic absorption of DPK-060 in blood on Day 7 and Day 21 in a sub-set of 10 patients.
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100 Translational Medicine associated with DermaGen AB