Last update 19 Sep 2024

Introgen Therapeutics, Inc.

Private Company|
Texas, United States


Basic Info

Introgen Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical corporation dedicated to discovering, developing, and commercializing targeted molecular therapies for cancer and other diseases. The company specializes in the creation of molecular therapeutics, immunotherapies, vaccines, and nano-particle tumor suppressor therapies to treat various types of cancer using tumor suppressors, cytokines, and genes. With integrated research, development, manufacturing, clinical, and regulatory departments, Introgen operates several manufacturing facilities, including a commercial-scale cGMP manufacturing facility. Founded in June 1993, the company is headquartered in Austin, TX.

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Pipeline Snapshot as of 28 Sep 2024

The statistics for drugs in the Pipeline is the current organization and its subsidiaries are counted as organizations,Early Phase 1 is incorporated into Phase 1, Phase 1/2 is incorporated into phase 2, and phase 2/3 is incorporated into phase 3
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