[Translation] A phase III, multicenter, randomized, parallel-controlled, non-inferiority study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of a new bowel preparation (BLI800) for colonoscopy in adults
主要目的:验证BLI800用于成人结肠镜检查(结肠镜检查是一种常规的诊断操作)前总体肠道准备的效果非劣于福静清(在中国使用的参照清肠用药)。 次要目的:比较研究者对于BLI800和福静清的满意度;比较受试者对于BLI800 和福静清的满意度等。
[Translation] Primary objective: To verify that BLI800 is non-inferior to Fujingqing (the reference bowel cleansing drug used in China) for overall bowel preparation before colonoscopy (colonoscopy is a routine diagnostic procedure) in adults. Secondary objectives: To compare investigators' satisfaction with BLI800 and Fujingqing; to compare subjects' satisfaction with BLI800 and Fujingqing, etc.