/ CompletedNot Applicable The Role of Clamping Before Removal of a Pneumothorax Drain Connected to a Digital Drainage System.
The study will be conducted as a, prospective, open label, non-inferiority, randomized controlled trial. In the intervention group; chest tube removal will be determined by air flow criteria as indicated by the digital drainage system data. In the control group removal will be determined by the same criteria of the digital drainage system but before removal, a chest tube clamping test will be performed. Primary outcome measure: recurrent pneumothorax after chest tube removal requiring chest tube reinsertion
/ Unknown statusNot Applicable Intraoperative Arthroscopic Near-infrared Fluorescence Imaging of the Vascular Perfusion of the Meniscus in Patients Treated With Meniscal Repair
This trial is an explorative single center, single-arm study to assess whether vascularization of the meniscus can be visualized intraoperatively using arthroscopic near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence using ICG during standard of care meniscal repair treatment.
/ RecruitingNot Applicable Treatment of Fifth Metatarsal Shaft Fractures: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Fractures of the shaft, distal to zone three, of the fifth metatarsal often occur after foot distortion. There is very little evidence available regarding the optimal treatment. Currently the most common treatment is prolonged cast immobilization. Operative treatment has been reported as an alternative and could promote early recovery. No comparative study has been published regarding optimal treatment
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