/ CompletedNot Applicable The "USAbility" Study - Human Factor Validation Testing of the Atalante Exoskeleton
The "USAbility" study - Human Factor Validation Testing of the Atalante exoskeleton aims at demonstrating that Atalante can be used by the intended users without serious use errors or problems, for the intended uses and under the expected use conditions.
Randomized Comparison of the Abbott WHITESTAR Signature System With Ellips Tranversal Ultrasound vs. the Alcon Infiniti With the Ozil Torsional Handpiece in Phacoemulsification: A Contralaterally-Controlled Trial
The purpose of this study is to look at the outcomes of your vision after your cataract surgery based on two different types of equipment that will be used during your surgery.
Efficacy of FreshKote and Systane for the Treatment of Dry Eye and Improvement of Osmolarity
The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of FreshKote and Systane for the reduction of dry eye signs and symptoms.
100 Clinical Results associated with Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc.
100 Deals associated with Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Innovative Medical Technologies, Inc.