/ Active, not recruitingNot Applicable Supporting Maternal Mental Health and Emotional Regulation (SuMMER): Assessment of the Clinical Effectiveness of a Mobile Application for Patients With Postpartum Depression
Primary Objective: Evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the MamaLift Plus app compared to control (digital sham plus treatment as usual) for the management of PPD in the observed population for a period of 9 calendar weeks. It is hypothesized that women who use the MamaLift Plus APP will experience less severe symptoms of depression in post-partum period than comparable women who do not and receive their usual care from health providers.
/ CompletedNot Applicable BNT 103 Usability and User Engagement
This test aims to explore product development-focused usability and user engagement.
/ Unknown statusNot Applicable The Usability, Acceptability, and Perceived Value of the Cornerstones4Care Powered by Glooko App
This is a two-armed mixed methods study of participants (n=30) diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who use a blood glucose meter as part of their treatment regimen. Participants will have either two or three visits at HITLAB during the 28-day study period.
100 Clinical Results associated with Healthcare Technology Lab
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Healthcare Technology Lab
100 Deals associated with Healthcare Technology Lab
100 Translational Medicine associated with Healthcare Technology Lab