/ CompletedNot Applicable The Clinical Study of Injection of Freshly Prepared HA35 for Treatment Gingivitis
Preliminary clinical studies have confirmed that injection of freshly prepared HA35 can reduce symptoms and signs of gingivitis or periodontitis. This clinical study is a prospective repeated experiments. The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of HA35 injection therapy.
/ CompletedNot Applicable The Clinical Study of Injection of Freshly Prepared HA35 in the Treatment of Shoulder, Neck, Back, Temporal and Herpes Zoster Pain
Shoulder, neck, back and temporal pain and herpes zoster pain are neuropathic pain. Preliminary clinical studies have confirmed that injection of freshly prepared HA35 can relieve neuropathic pain. This clinical study is a prospective repeated experiments. The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of HA35 injection therapy.
/ CompletedNot Applicable Intra-pocket Injection of a Freshly Manufactured 35 kDa Hyaluronan Fragment HA35 Reduces the Gingival Discomfort as Well as Gingival Redness and Bleeding of Patients With Periodontitis: A Clinical Study
The main objective of this study is to research the treatment of 35 kDa hyaluronan fragment HA35 for Mild periodontitis and associated with gingival discomfort or itchiness.
100 Clinical Results associated with Dove Medical Press Ltd.
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International Journal of Nanomedicine
Corrigendum: Targeted delivery of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets using multifunctional ultrasound nanobubbles for visual and enhanced photothermal therapy [Corrigendum] [Erratum to document cited in CA173:207723]
Author: Wang, Q. ; Zhang, J. ; Han, X. ; Tian, Y. ; Liu, Z. ; Cheng, W. ; Zhang, L.
In Figure 2G, the incorrect image was used.The corrected Figure is provided.
Robotic surgery (Auckland)
<p><em>Robotic Surgery: Research and Reviews</em> is indexed in PubMed</p>
Author: Azodi, Masoud ; Hesson, Dawn
<em>Clinical Optometry</em> is now indexed in PubMed and PubMed Central
Author: Ship, Victoria ; Berry, Simon
100 Deals associated with Dove Medical Press Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Dove Medical Press Ltd.