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Drug Highest PhasePhase 1 |
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KD6005 注射液在中国健康成年受试者及类风湿关节炎患者中的安全性、耐受性、药代动力学及初步药效学的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的 I期临床研究
[Translation] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I clinical study of the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and preliminary pharmacodynamics of KD6005 injection in healthy Chinese adults and patients with rheumatoid arthritis
KD6005 注射液在中国健康成年受试者及类风湿关节炎患者中的安全性、耐受性、药代动力学及初步药效学的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照的 I期临床研究
[Translation] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase I clinical study of the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and preliminary pharmacodynamics of KD6005 injection in healthy Chinese adults and patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A Phase 1, Randomised, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Pharmacodynamics of KD6005 in Healthy Participants and Participants With Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).
This phase 1 study will consist of two parts: Phase 1a is a single-dose study, and will evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics (PK) and preliminary pharmacodynamics (PD) in healthy participants. Phase 1b is a multiple doses study, and will evaluate the safety, tolerability, PK and preliminary PD in participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
一项评价 KD6001 注射液联合特瑞普利单抗在晚期黑色素瘤患者中安全性、耐受性、药代动力学和初步疗效的临床研究
[Translation] A clinical study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and preliminary efficacy of KD6001 injection combined with toripalimab in patients with advanced melanoma
评价 KD6001 注射液联合特瑞普利单抗在晚期黑色素瘤患者中安全性、耐受性、药代动力学和初步疗效
[Translation] To evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and preliminary efficacy of KD6001 injection combined with toripalimab in patients with advanced melanoma
100 Clinical Results associated with Shanghai Kangdai Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Shanghai Kangdai Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.
100 Deals associated with Shanghai Kangdai Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Shanghai Kangdai Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.