/ Active, not recruitingEarly Phase 1 Evaluation of an Electroretinogram Sensor
The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the ability of a new contact lens electrode to record a measurable electroretinogram (ERG). ERG sensors in various forms have been in common clinical use for more than 50 years. The ERG sensor that is the subject of this study is the RM Electrode, developed by RetMap, Inc. (project sponsor). The subject of this study is the RM Electrode, a new ERG sensor developed by RetMap, Inc. The RM Electrode is not yet approved by the FDA. The testing described in this study has been requested by the FDA (pre-submission feedback) in support of the 510k application for the RM Electrode. ERG Jet Electrode (Fabrinal, Switzerland) will be used as the predicate device for comparison.
The first Aim of the present study is to compare the functionality of the RM Electrode and the ERG Jet. Following standard ERG test protocols, responses will be recorded from ten healthy (normally-sighted) adult subjects using both electrodes (used in random order). The signal quality of the ERG responses obtained from both contact lens electrodes will be compared. Signal quality will be determined by measuring ERG signal amplitudes and calculating signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Signal-to-noise ratios will be used to establish substantial equivalence. ERG test results will not be used to determine the effect of the devices on the participants.
The second Aim of the present study is to evaluate the risk of ocular irritation caused by use of the RM Electrode compared to the ERG Jet Electrode. A typical ERG test session lasts 20 minutes. Ten healthy (normally-sighted) adult subjects will wear the RM Electrode on one eye and the ERG Jet Electrode on the other eye, for a total of 60 minutes, in 20-minute sessions with short breaks in between. To determine the effect of the devices on the participants, the eyes will be evaluated for irritation.
100 Clinical Results associated with RetMap, Inc.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with RetMap, Inc.
100 Deals associated with RetMap, Inc.
100 Translational Medicine associated with RetMap, Inc.