/ CompletedNot ApplicableIIT AT-001 for Long-term Preservation of Brain Health in Aging: The ALPHA Study
The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the use of a yeast-selenium supplement (AT-001) is safe in elderly subjects who do not have dementia, and further, to see if the supplement improves tests that are related to brain health.
Multiple-ascending Dose Clinical Trial of the Safety and Tolerability of Antioxidant (AT-001) Treatment for Reducing Brain Oxidative Stress
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety, bioavailability, and effectiveness of an organic yeast-selenium compound in reducing brain oxidative stress. Oxidative stress in the brain has been linked to a variety oif disorders including Alzheimer's disease. Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant that could prove useful in reducing the harmful effects of oxidative stress in the brain and may help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's. Our recent work has demonstrated that the specific type of selenium compound greatly influences it's ability to enhance brain health and prevent Alzheimer changes in mouse models of this disease.
This study will enroll 24 participants and will allow us to test the hypotheses that yeast-selenium supplementation is safe in the elderly, and that our specific formulation reduces brain oxidative stress.
100 Clinical Results associated with Alltech Life Sciences Inc.
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100 Deals associated with Alltech Life Sciences Inc.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Alltech Life Sciences Inc.