Last update 21 Mar 2024


CD63 molecule

Basic Info

CD63, CD63 antigen, CD63 molecule
+ [13]
Functions as cell surface receptor for TIMP1 and plays a role in the activation of cellular signaling cascades. Plays a role in the activation of ITGB1 and integrin signaling, leading to the activation of AKT, FAK/PTK2 and MAP kinases. Promotes cell survival, reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, cell adhesion, spreading and migration, via its role in the activation of AKT and FAK/PTK2. Plays a role in VEGFA signaling via its role in regulating the internalization of KDR/VEGFR2. Plays a role in intracellular vesicular transport processes, and is required for normal trafficking of the PMEL luminal domain that is essential for the development and maturation of melanocytes. Plays a role in the adhesion of leukocytes onto endothelial cells via its role in the regulation of SELP trafficking. May play a role in mast cell degranulation in response to Ms4a2/FceRI stimulation, but not in mast cell degranulation in response to other stimuli.


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