Studies using silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) as experimental models are often applied to screen essential oils (EO) with GABAergic-mediated effects. However, the expression of GABAa receptors in the silver catfish brain remains unknown. Thus, we assessed whether silver catfish express GABAa receptor subunits associated with sedation/anesthetic process and/or neurological diseases. Additionally, we evaluated the brain expression of GABAa receptor subunits in fish sedated with Nectandra grandiflora EO and its isolated compounds, the fish anesthetic (+)-dehydrofukinone (DHF), and dehydrofukinone epoxide (DFX), eremophil-11-en-10-ol (ERM) and selin-11-en-4-α-ol (SEL), which have GABAa-mediated anxiolytic-like effects in mice. The expression of the subunits gabra1, gabra2, gabra3, gabrb1, gabrd and gabrg2 in the silver catfish brain were assessed after a 24h-sedation bath by real time PCR. Since qPCR data rarely describes mechanisms of action, which are usually found through interactions with receptors, we also performed an antagonist-driven experiment using flumazenil (FMZ). Real-time PCR detected the mRNA expression of all targeted genes in R. quelen brain. The expression of gabra1 was decreased in fish sedated with ERM; EO increased gabra2, gabra3, gabrb1 and gabrg2 expression; SEL increased gabrb1, gabrd and gabrg2 expression. EO and compounds DFX, SEL and ERM induced sustained sedation in fish and FMZ-bath prompted the recovery from ERM- and DFX-induced sedation. Our results suggest that the EO, SEL, ERM and DFX sedative effects involve interaction with the GABAergic system. Our findings support the use of the silver catfish as robust and reliable experimental model to evaluate the efficacy of drugs with putative GABAergic-mediated effects.