Last update 05 Sep 2024


Basic Info

CDP-DAG synthase 1, CDP-DG synthase 1, CDP-diacylglycerol synthase 1
+ [7]
Catalyzes the conversion of phosphatidic acid (PA) to CDP-diacylglycerol (CDP-DAG), an essential intermediate in the synthesis of phosphatidylglycerol, cardiolipin and phosphatidylinositol (PubMed:9407135, PubMed:25375833). Exhibits almost no acyl chain preference for PA, showing no discrimination for the sn-1/sn-2 acyl chain composition of PAs (PubMed:25375833). Plays an important role in regulating the growth of lipid droplets which are storage organelles at the center of lipid and energy homeostasis (PubMed:26946540, PubMed:31548309). Positively regulates the differentiation and development of adipocytes (By similarity).


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