Last update 21 Mar 2024


Cytosolic phospholipase A2

Basic Info

细胞溶质磷脂酶A2, cPLA2, cPLA2-alpha
+ [8]
Has primarily calcium-dependent phospholipase and lysophospholipase activities, with a major role in membrane lipid remodeling and biosynthesis of lipid mediators of the inflammatory response (PubMed:7794891, PubMed:8619991, PubMed:8702602, PubMed:9425121, PubMed:10358058, PubMed:14709560, PubMed:16617059, PubMed:17472963, PubMed:27642067, PubMed:18451993). Plays an important role in embryo implantation and parturition through its ability to trigger prostanoid production (By similarity). Preferentially hydrolyzes the ester bond of the fatty acyl group attached at sn-2 position of phospholipids (phospholipase A2 activity) (PubMed:7794891, PubMed:8619991, PubMed:9425121, PubMed:10358058, PubMed:17472963, PubMed:18451993). Selectively hydrolyzes sn-2 arachidonoyl group from membrane phospholipids, providing the precursor for eicosanoid biosynthesis via the cyclooxygenase pathway (PubMed:18451993, PubMed:7794891, PubMed:9425121, PubMed:10358058, PubMed:17472963). In an alternative pathway of eicosanoid biosynthesis, hydrolyzes sn-2 fatty acyl chain of eicosanoid lysophopholipids to release free bioactive eicosanoids (PubMed:27642067). Hydrolyzes the ester bond of the fatty acyl group attached at sn-1 position of phospholipids (phospholipase A1 activity) only if an ether linkage rather than an ester linkage is present at the sn-2 position. This hydrolysis is not stereospecific (PubMed:7794891). Has calcium-independent phospholipase A2 and lysophospholipase activities in the presence of phosphoinositides (PubMed:12672805). Has O-acyltransferase activity. Catalyzes the transfer of fatty acyl chains from phospholipids to a primary hydroxyl group of glycerol (sn-1 or sn-3), potentially contributing to monoacylglycerol synthesis (PubMed:7794891).


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