Last update 21 Mar 2024


FUS RNA binding protein

Basic Info

75 kDa DNA-pairing protein, ALS6, FUS
+ [10]
DNA/RNA-binding protein that plays a role in various cellular processes such as transcription regulation, RNA splicing, RNA transport, DNA repair and damage response (PubMed:27731383). Binds to nascent pre-mRNAs and acts as a molecular mediator between RNA polymerase II and U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein thereby coupling transcription and splicing (PubMed:26124092). Binds also its own pre-mRNA and autoregulates its expression; this autoregulation mechanism is mediated by non-sense-mediated decay (PubMed:24204307). Plays a role in DNA repair mechanisms by promoting D-loop formation and homologous recombination during DNA double-strand break repair (PubMed:10567410). In neuronal cells, plays crucial roles in dendritic spine formation and stability, RNA transport, mRNA stability and synaptic homeostasis (By similarity).


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