Knowledge Base

How to express the incidence of adverse reactions?

18 December 2023
2 min read

The incidence of adverse reactions recommended by the International Committee for the organization of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) is expressed as: very common ( 10%), common (1% - 10%, including 1%), occasional (0.1% - 1%, including 0.1%), rare (0.01% - 0.1%, including 0.01%), very rare (< 0.01%). The inducing factors of adverse drug reactions include non drug factors and drug factors. The former includes age, sex, heredity, susceptibility, disease, etc; The latter includes the toxic and side effects of drugs, drug interactions and the influence of excipients. Therefore, the adverse reactions of the same drug may behave differently in patients of different ages, genders, races, constitutions, indications, and pathological states. In addition, the influence of excipients in drugs and their preparations makes the problem more complex, which is the reason for the unpredictable adverse reactions of drugs.

FDA and EMA Acknowledge Marstacimab Filing for Hemophilia A and B Therapy
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3 min read
FDA and EMA Acknowledge Marstacimab Filing for Hemophilia A and B Therapy
18 December 2023
The FDA has approved Pfizer’s review request for marstacimab, a hemophilia A/B treatment for non-inhibitor patients.
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Understanding PD-1 Inhibitors and Methods to Keep Abreast of Their Recent Developments
Understanding PD-1 Inhibitors and Methods to Keep Abreast of Their Recent Developments
18 December 2023
PD-1 inhibitors are drugs that target the PD-1 protein, crucial for regulating immune responses. The future of PD-1 inhibitors is promising, with potential applications in treating various types of cancer.
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SystImmune collaborates with Bristol Myers Squibb in a major worldwide partnership to advance and market BL-B01D1
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3 min read
SystImmune collaborates with Bristol Myers Squibb in a major worldwide partnership to advance and market BL-B01D1
18 December 2023
SystImmune and industry giant Bristol Myers Squibb have announced a partnership and licensing agreement focused on BL-B01D1, SystImmune's cutting-edge EGFRxHER3 bispecific antibody-drug conjugate.
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What is withdrawal adverse?
"What" Series
2 min read
What is withdrawal adverse?
18 December 2023
If the drug is discontinued or tapered off too quickly, the body's regulation is disrupted, leading to functional issues, symptom resurgence, and worsened disease, known as withdrawal effects.
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