"What" Series

What is dose expansion and why is a dose expansion trial performed?

7 December 2023
2 min read

Dose expansion trials are clinical trials that evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and clinical activity of a new drug or treatment in a larger group of patients than in the initial dose escalation trial. These trials are typically performed after the initial trial has shown promising results and the researchers want to further investigate the potential benefits and risks of the drug or treatment in a broader patient population.The primary goal of a dose expansion trial is to assess the efficacy and safety of a new treatment in a larger number of patients with the same disease or condition as those studied in the original trial. This helps to confirm the findings from the earlier study and provides additional information about the drug's effectiveness and side effects in a more diverse patient population. In addition to testing the drug's efficacy and safety, dose expansion trials may also explore how the drug affects biomarkers such as tumor size, blood markers, or imaging studies. These data can help to inform future clinical trials and guide the development of personalized medicine approaches.

What are HIV-1 protease inhibitors and how do you quickly get the latest development progress?
What are HIV-1 protease inhibitors and how do you quickly get the latest development progress?
6 December 2023
HIV-1 protease inhibitors are a type of medication used to treat HIV by blocking the virus from entering certain cells in the body and making copies of itself.
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What types of drugs are regulated by CBER?
"What" Series
2 min read
What types of drugs are regulated by CBER?
6 December 2023
CBER, or the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, is one Center within the Food and Drug Administration, an Agency within the United States Government's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
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Neumora Therapeutics Reveals FDA Approval for NMRA-266 Investigational New Drug and Commences Phase 1 Human Trials
Latest Hotspot
3 min read
Neumora Therapeutics Reveals FDA Approval for NMRA-266 Investigational New Drug and Commences Phase 1 Human Trials
6 December 2023
NMRA-266, a molecule with selective affinity for enhancing the activity of the M4 muscarinic receptor, is being advanced by Neumora as a potential therapeutic option for the management of schizophrenia as well as various additional mental health conditions.
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If the protocol changes during the clinical trial, what do the subjects need to do?
Knowledge Base
2 min read
If the protocol changes during the clinical trial, what do the subjects need to do?
6 December 2023
The subjects should be informed about any changes in the protocol and asked for their consent before proceeding with the new procedures.
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