Lululab launching AI beauty research centre with Yonsei Cancer Center

South Korean AI beauty service startup Lululab has tied up with Yonsei Cancer Center's Scar Laser and Plastic Surgery Center to take their research partnership on the use of AI to treat skin diseases to a new level. The organisations recently signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a Skin AI Beauty Research Center. According to a press statement, the research centre will serve as Lululab's bedrock of AI solutions for diagnosing skin diseases optimised for hospitals. It plans to market its technology to its overseas clients, which make up 90% of its client base. The facility will also be utilising Lululab's own AI-powered skin analysis tool for conducting research on various skin diseases, such as scar, atopy, and acne, and on the development of skin disease solutions. Lululab will also make use of its own AI-based customer relationship management system, which links skin analysis reports and treatment information to medical devices. WHY IT MATTERS Through the research centre, Lee Joo-hee, its upcoming head, said a predictive model to determine the potential effects of scarring and cosmetic treatments will be developed. He expects the technology to be applied to clinical practice soon. THE LARGER CONTEXT The latest MOU builds on Lululab's existing partnership with Yonsei University Severance Hospital where they jointly worked on a skin diseases database and AI-based tools for analysing skin diseases, including atopy, psoriasis, and vitiligo. Some of those AI tools are said to be ready for commercialisation. Outside South Korea, Lululab has another research partnership with Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam to co-develop similar AI-based skin disease analysis solutions, enabling the precise diagnosis of various skin diseases in the country.
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