Analysis Group Announces Recent Promotions and Welcomes New Consultants and Affiliates

19 Jul 2022
BOSTON, July 19, 2022 /PRNewswire/ --  Analysis Group, one of the largest international economics consulting firms, announces 23 promotions to managing principal, principal, and vice president, and welcomes a new senior advisor, two vice presidents, and 11 academic affiliates.
"The dedication, collaborative spirit, and intellectual rigor these consultants bring to bear is evident in their many contributions on behalf of our clients. Among other achievements, they have assessed the appropriateness of class certification in antitrust matters and commercial disputes, developed clinical and real-world evidence for novel treatments of serious diseases, analyzed complex financial matters, evaluated health care policies, and expanded our data science capabilities," said Martha S. Samuelson, CEO and Chairman of Analysis Group. "In addition, we are excited to announce our affiliation with several renowned academic and industry experts, who are widely recognized leaders in fields such as consumer behavior, accounting, finance, policy, energy, health care, and technology."
New Affiliates
Marguerite Brackley – an independent consultant – is board certified in internal medicine and an expert in patient and medical safety. Her deep knowledge of clinical trial management includes clinical events committees and safety event reviews, as well as pharmacovigilance, post-market processes, field actions, and risk management. She has consulted on these issues to medical device, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical companies for over a decade. Dr. Brackley's expert experience includes providing medical insight, post-market surveillance, and pharmacovigilance expertise in complex legal matters, in which she has submitted expert reports and testified at deposition; supporting legal teams in their review and understanding of complex medical and epidemiological issues; and reviewing medical records, complaints, and regulatory submissions. She has provided safety oversight and medical review expertise in clinical studies, and developed processes for clinical trial adjudication and data safety monitoring boards. In addition, Dr. Brackley has created strategies for developing and optimizing medical safety groups in the medical device, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical industries, including processes, procedures, organizational structure, implementation, and rollout. Earlier in her career, as a vice president and medical safety officer at Boston Scientific, she provided safety oversight and safety vigilance throughout the product life cycle and was involved in strategic decision making across all products worldwide. Prior to her roles in industry, Dr. Brackley completed a residency in internal medicine. She is a member of the American Medical Association, the Massachusetts Medical Society, and the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.
Susan Christoffersen – Dean, William A. Downe BMO Chair, and Professor of Finance, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto – is a finance expert whose research focuses on mutual funds, hedge funds, and the role of financial institutions in capital markets. She has been retained as an expert in litigation matters to address topics such as mutual fund market timing and trading strategy issues. She has published in a number of finance journals, and her work has been cited in The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, Bloomberg News, and The Wall Street Journal. Professor Christoffersen has received grants from Canada's Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Montreal Financial Mathematics Institute, and the Quebec Research Funds, as well as research awards from Q Group, the Bank of Canada, the BSI Gamma Foundation, INQUIRE, and the Swiss Finance Institute. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Toronto, she held positions at McGill University, Copenhagen Business School, and the Department of Finance Canada.
Robert Conway – an independent consultant – is an expert on complex technical accounting, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, and corporate governance, with 40 years of experience in public accounting. His litigation experience includes preparing expert witness reports, assisting counsel with case strategy, and testimony. Prior to his consulting career, Mr. Conway was the regional associate director of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in Orange County and Los Angeles. At the PCAOB, he inspected audits of the Big Four firms, focusing on revenue recognition, business combination accounting, the valuation of identifiable intangible assets, and impairment testing of goodwill and identifiable intangibles. Mr. Conway has also been the senior professional practice director at CNM, a technical accounting advisory firm, and an audit partner at KPMG, where he served for 26 years. He is the author of The Truth About Public Accounting: Understanding and Managing the Risks the Auditors Bring to the Audit, and he has led a number of corporate seminars on accounting and auditing issues, including at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Edward J. Fox – W.R. and Judy Howell Director, JCPenney Center for Retail Excellence, and Professor of Marketing, SMU Cox School of Business – is a marketing expert whose research focuses on retail pricing, promotion, and assortment management, as well as the quantitative modeling of consumer shopping behavior to address retail competition and marketing channel issues. He frequently estimates models using customer-level data to identify the drivers of shopping behavior and to make shopping and spending predictions, which can then be used by retail decision makers to improve store performance. Professor Fox has consulted to retailers and other companies on marketing management, strategy, and quantitative decision making. His clients have included ACME Markets, Genuardi's Family Markets, Softspikes, Arcis Golf, and Reliant Rehabilitation. He has also filed an expert report on behalf of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in a retail antitrust case. Professor Fox's research has addressed topics such as dynamic pricing, demand estimation using transaction data, competitive issues in retailing, consumer spending behavior across retail formats, and recapturing lost customers. His articles have been published in journals such as Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Operations Research, and the Journal of Retailing. He is frequently quoted in the media on retail marketing and consumer buying behavior, and he has spoken at numerous retail industry conferences and trade association meetings.
Matthew Gentzkow – Landau Professor of Technology and the Economy, Stanford University– is an expert in applied microeconomics, empirical industrial organization, and political economy, with a focus on the media, technology, retail, and health care industries. He studies the economic forces driving the creation of media products; competition in media markets; the changing nature and role of media in the digital environment; and the effects of media on education, ideological diversity, and civic engagement. His work has examined the welfare effects of social media networks and how information is disseminated online. Professor Gentzkow's research has also involved the analysis of complex datasets of consumer purchases to study consumer product pricing, consumer brand preferences, and brand price premiums. He has presented his work to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), FTC, and Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Professor Gentzkow has published in numerous prominent economic journals and has appeared frequently in major media such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Washington Post, and NPR. His awards include the John Bates Clark Medal, given by the American Economic Association (AEA) to the American economist under 40 judged to have made the most significant contributions to economic thought and knowledge. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a member of its Industrial Organization Program steering committee, and a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. Professor Gentzkow has received a fellowship and grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, as well as various grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Matthew Grennan – Associate Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, and Faculty Co-director, Robinson Life Science, Business, and Entrepreneurship Program, Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley – is an expert in economic analysis and policy specializing in the application of empirical industrial organization models to public policy and competitive strategy issues in health care markets. Additional topics he has researched include the interaction between negotiated prices and competition in business-to-business markets; innovation, regulation, and the adoption of new technologies; the ways in which regulatory and competitive forces shape innovation and market outcomes; and how the information available to market participants affects policy and strategy decisions. His work has been funded by the NSF and published in journals such as American Economic Review, Health Affairs, the Journal of Political Economy, The RAND Journal of Economics, and Management Science. Prior to joining the Haas School, Professor Grennan was on the faculties of The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Toronto. He is a member of the Academy of Management, the AEA, and The Econometric Society; a faculty research fellow at the NBER; and a senior fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics.
Lynne Kiesling – Co-director, Institute for Regulatory Law and Economics, and Research Professor, College of Engineering, Design and Computing at the University of Colorado Denver – is an expert in energy and regulatory economics, energy history, energy market design, and technology in the development of energy markets, with a particular interest in the electricity industry. Her research focuses on electricity policy and market design issues related to regulation and technological change; the economics of smart grid technologies; and the interaction of market design and innovation in the development of retail energy markets, products, and services. Professor Kiesling has provided expert testimony in proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the California Public Utilities Commission, the Illinois Commerce Commission, and the New York Public Service Commission. She teaches at economics workshops for regulators, and lectures to academic, industrial, and regulatory groups about regulatory policy, institutional change, and the economic analysis of electric power market design. Professor Kiesling is the author of two books and numerous articles, book chapters, policy studies, and public interest comments. She serves on the Electricity Advisory Committee for the US Department of Energy, as well as the Academic Advisory Council for the UK Institute of Economic Affairs. Previously, Professor Kiesling was a visiting associate professor at Carnegie Mellon University and held positions in the economics departments of Purdue University and Northwestern University.
Jonathan R. Macey – Sam Harris Professor of Corporate Law, Corporate Finance, and Securities Law, Yale University; Professor, Yale School of Management – is a finance expert whose research and writings focus on corporate governance, corporate finance, and banking and financial institution regulation. He has served as an expert in cases involving corporate governance and corporate control – in particular, matters involving piercing the corporate veil and breach of fiduciary duty across various industries. Professor Macey is the author or coauthor of many books, including Macey on Corporation Laws and two leading casebooks: Cases and Materials on Corporations Including Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies and Banking Law and Regulation. He has published over 100 articles in major law reviews and journals, including The Banking Law Journal and The Journal of Law and Economics, and has served on numerous journal editorial boards. Professor Macey's op-eds have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, the Los Angeles Times, and The National Law Journal, among other publications. His awards include a Ph.D. honoris causa from the Stockholm School of Economics. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Professor Macey was the J. DuPratt White Professor of Law and director of the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics at Cornell Law School, and a professor of law and business at Cornell's Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Business. He has served as a professor of law at The University of Chicago Law School and as a visiting professor of law at Harvard Law School.
Kevin R. Powers – Founder and Director, Master's Degree in Cybersecurity Policy and Governance Program, Boston College; Assistant Professor of the Practice, Boston College Law School and Carroll School of Management at Boston College – specializes in data privacy and cybersecurity policy and law. In his work, he draws on more than 20 years of combined legal, business, data privacy and security, national security, law enforcement, military, and academic experience. Professor Powers has served as an analyst and attorney for the DOJ, the US Navy, the US Department of Defense, and a number of law firms, and as general counsel for an international software company. He regularly consults to government and private entities on data privacy and security programs; cybersecurity audits and assessments; cybersecurity strategies, risk, compliance, and frameworks; incident planning and response; and government investigations. Professor Powers created and oversees courses and certificates for Boston College's graduate cybersecurity programs, including the Data Privacy: GDPR & HIPAA professional certificate program, and the Cybersecurity Policy: Privacy and Legal Requirements course. He is a member of the Boston College Law School Business Advisory Council and has provided expert commentary regarding cybersecurity, data privacy, and national security concerns for a wide variety of media outlets. Prior to joining Boston College, Professor Powers taught courses at the US Naval Academy. Previously, he was the panel lead for the Collegiate Working Group for the US Department of Homeland Security's National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education. Professor Powers is a research affiliate at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Mark S. Robbins – President and CEO, Kodiak Strategic Consultants, LLC – is a pharmaceutical and biotech executive with over 40 years of broad-based industry experience. In his role at Kodiak Strategic Consultants, he consults to a diverse group of pharmaceutical and biotech companies on clinical, regulatory, business development, and licensing issues. Dr. Robbins served as a CEO in residence at the University of Minnesota's Office for Technology Commercialization and co-founded several biotech ventures. He is actively involved with a number of startups, including GigaMune, Neuropharma Meds, and Diastol Therapeutics. He served as the COO of Bullet Biotechnology, regulatory strategic advisor to GigaGen, and acting CEO of GigaMune, all of which have focused on novel immunotherapies targeting cancer and autoimmune diseases. Dr. Robbins has served as an expert in multiple antitrust matters, intellectual property (IP) cases, and contract disputes, and provided testimony at deposition, trial, and arbitration. Prior to his consulting career, he held several senior-level positions at brand and generic pharmaceutical companies, where he was responsible for the development of regulatory and clinical strategies that led to numerous new drug application (NDA), biologics license application, and abbreviated new drug application (ANDA) approvals by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). He has conducted analyses in therapeutic areas that include cardiology, oncology, endocrine/metabolic, women's health, infectious diseases, radiology, and nuclear medicine and diagnostics. In addition, Dr. Robbins has experience assisting biotech startups with strategy and financing. He holds adjunct professorships in pharmacology at the University of Minnesota Medical School and the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, and his work has been published in numerous peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dr. Robbins serves on the Antitrust Council of the Minnesota State Bar Association.
Eric Sun – Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, and (by courtesy) Health Research and Policy Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine; Anesthesiologist, Stanford University Medical Center – is an anesthesiologist and health economist with expertise in perioperative and pain medicine, population health, and public health policy. His research explores issues of health through clinical and economic lenses, and has examined topics such as the influence of drug and physician pricing on medical outcomes; physicians' responses to payment program incentives; the economics of medical innovation, including the value of new technologies to patients and society; and methods for lowering the use of opioids in pain management. From 2019 to 2020, he served as a senior health economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Dr. Sun coauthored the book Health and Wealth Disparities in the United States, and cowrote the chapter "Do We Need the FDA? Improving the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products" in Regulation vs. Litigation: Perspectives from Economics and Law. He has published articles in The American Journal of Managed Care, the Annals of Internal Medicine, Forum for Health Economics & Policy, Health Affairs, JAMA, JAMA Internal Medicine, the Journal of Health Economics, and The New England Journal of Medicine, among other journals. He is an associate editor of Anesthesia and Analgesia and Anesthesiology. Dr. Sun's committee memberships have included serving on the Committee on Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Acute Pain of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.
New Senior Advisor
Daniel J. Slottje joined the firm in January, and has deep experience in both academia and economic consulting. An emeritus professor of economics at Southern Methodist University, he has been working in litigation consulting for more than three decades in senior positions with several international firms. He has worked with many leading law firms, testifying at deposition and trial in hundreds of prominent matters. An economist and a statistician, Professor Slottje is an expert in the fields of labor economics, consumer demand, industrial organization, and statistics and econometrics, allowing him to bring a unique perspective and skill set to his consulting assignments. He has published more than 150 journal articles and more than a dozen books, and has been ranked among the world's top three scholars in applied econometrics based on his publishing record in the field. Professor Slottje is a member of the AEA, the American Statistical Association, and The Econometric Society.
New Managing Principals
Jee-Yeon Lehmann specializes in applying microeconomics, econometrics, and statistical methods to complex litigation and non-litigation matters in the areas of antitrust and competition, labor and employment, and health care. In antitrust and competition matters, she has evaluated market definition, market power, and competitive dynamics, and analyzed class certification, liability, and damages issues in cases involving allegations of price-fixing, monopolization, and other anticompetitive conduct. Dr. Lehmann has extensive experience in labor market antitrust matters involving allegations of no-poach and wage-fixing agreements in a variety of industries, including technology, media, manufacturing, and health care. In the area of health care, she frequently supports biostatisticians and epidemiologists in analyzing clinical trial, laboratory testing, registry, claims, and adverse events data in product liability litigations and patent and licensing disputes involving pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and chemical products.
Divya Mathur specializes in the application of microeconomics, statistics, and econometrics to complex litigation matters, government and regulatory investigations, and consulting engagements in the areas of antitrust and competition, class certification, IP, and complex commercial damages. She has served as an expert witness, collaborated with academic and industry experts, led consulting teams, and supported attorneys and other stakeholders in all phases of litigation. Dr. Mathur has worked on behalf of the DOJ and the FTC, and consulted to firms in numerous industries, including technology, media, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, financial services, manufacturing, and chemicals.
New Principals
Rene Befurt specializes in applying marketing research methods to litigation matters and strategic business problems. His work developing empirical studies – such as survey experiments, choice exercises, and consumer usage and perception surveys – has been applied to measure variables of interest in a wide variety of industries. Dr. Befurt has served as an expert witness and testified at deposition and trial in numerous survey matters, and has assisted academic affiliates in survey conceptualization and administration, as well as the evaluation of survey studies. His work spans numerous practice areas, including patent infringement, trademark disputes, consumer disclosures, product liability, false advertising, brand reputation, and sampling.
Brian J. Ellman specializes in the application of microeconomics, statistics, and financial analysis to complex commercial litigation matters and government investigations. He has worked on behalf of the DOJ and FTC, and has consulted to law firms in litigation and regulatory matters involving antitrust and competition, drug safety and product liability, IP, data breaches, and general commercial damages issues. Mr. Ellman has conducted market analyses and assessments of competitive effects in major antitrust matters, as well as for proposed and executed mergers. He has also conducted statistical analysis, market research, and other economic analyses to evaluate the appropriateness of class certification in antitrust and commercial disputes, and to assess liability and damages. Mr. Ellman's expertise in matters involving the pharmaceutical and medical device industries includes analyzing therapeutic markets and competitive dynamics; assessing evidence of causal associations in product liability suits; and conducting statistical analyses of market surveillance, clinical trial, and observational study data to evaluate the comparative effectiveness, safety, and dosing patterns of different treatments across a variety of therapeutic categories. He has published articles on a wide range of topics, including the assessment of causation and harm in data breach litigation, the appropriate analysis and interpretation of post-marketing surveillance data in product liability cases, and the economics of biosimilar drugs.
Kevin Gold specializes in applying economics, finance, and statistics to litigation matters. He has extensive experience consulting on securities matters, including analyzing market efficiency, estimating damages, conducting event studies, and analyzing potential settlements. Mr. Gold has also submitted expert declarations in civil and criminal securities fraud matters. His experience includes cases involving securities and financial derivatives such as swaps, structured notes, mortgage-backed securities, convertible preferred stock, and options. Mr. Gold has worked on antitrust matters involving the trading of securities, and he has conducted assessments of class certification in cases involving securities fraud, product liability, and false advertising, including analyzing whether liability or damages can be assessed using common proof. His work spans industries such as financial services, legal services, telecommunications, entertainment, health care, and oil and gas. He is the coauthor of "Federal Securities Acts and Areas of Expert Analysis" in the Litigation Services Handbook.
New Vice Presidents
Analysis Group promoted 18 professionals to vice president, and hired two more, across eight offices.
In Boston, Lynn Huynh specializes in epidemiologic methodologies and health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), and has extensive experience collecting real-world clinical data through medical charts using center-based and physician panel-based approaches. Christopher Llop brings deep expertise in data science, natural language processing, software development, and analytics to consulting engagements in areas such as technology, software, IP, and energy. Federico Mantovanelli specializes in the application of microeconomics, statistics, and econometrics to litigation matters in the areas of antitrust, health care, and labor and employment. Fan Mu applies advanced epidemiologic methodologies and biostatistical techniques to address a wide array of analytical questions in health care involving evaluation, decision making, and strategy. Gautam Sajeev applies statistical and epidemiologic methods to the design and analysis of clinical and real-world studies of health care data. Rebecca Scott specializes in the application of economics and statistics to complex litigation and non-litigation matters in the areas of antitrust and competition, labor and employment, and commercial disputes. Nicholas Van Niel applies sophisticated economic modeling tools and techniques to help address litigation, strategy, and policy questions faced by pharmacies, wholesalers, and manufacturers, as well as to chargeback data and insurance claims issues.
In Dallas, Joshua Levine specializes in conducting economic and financial analysis in damages-related matters, and has evaluated damages in consulting engagements involving patent infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of contract, loss of earnings, and other commercial disputes.
In Denver, Stephen Kiebzak applies microeconomics, econometrics, and statistical methods to complex matters arising in litigation and strategy. Michael Schreck has extensive experience in economic and quantitative analysis in complex litigation matters, including IP and trademark, antitrust, tax, and financial and commercial disputes. Andrew J. Ungerer specializes in applying complex quantitative and qualitative economic analyses to finance and securities, valuation, corporate governance, and transfer pricing matters.
In Los Angeles, Megan Accordino specializes in applying microeconomic, statistical, and financial analysis tools to complex litigation, regulatory, and policy matters at the intersection of the finance and energy industries. Jinlin Song has extensive experience applying advanced statistical techniques to solve complex real-world research questions in health care, frequently using data from clinical trials, electronic medical records, administrative claims, medical chart reviews, surveys, and disease registries.
In Menlo Park, Sarah Mantels leverages her economic expertise to help clients with matters spanning a wide variety of litigation topics, including ERISA, IP, and health insurance.
In Montreal, Nick Dadson applies his expertise in statistics and microeconomics to litigation, health care, and business matters. Marjolaine Gauthier-Loiselle specializes in HEOR across several diseases and in therapeutic areas such as neuropsychiatry, oncology, nephrology, endocrinology, cardiology, infectious diseases, and rare and hereditary diseases.
In New York, Brendan Rogers, who joined the firm in January, specializes in applying economic and statistical analysis to complex business disputes, including those involving the assessment of economic damages claims and the design and critique of statistical samples. Ben Samuels applies economic, financial, and statistical analysis to complex securities and finance litigation. Emi Terasawa, a health economist, has expertise in policy evaluation and the application of statistics and econometrics to HEOR work.
In San Francisco, Hitesh Makhija, who joined the firm in June, specializes in antitrust economics and industrial organization, and has extensive experience conducting sophisticated economic and financial analyses in merger- and antitrust-related litigation.
To learn more about Analysis Group's capabilities, visit
Analysis Group is one of the largest international economics consulting firms, with more than 1,000 professionals across 14 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Since 1981, we have provided expertise in economics, finance, health care analytics, and strategy to top law firms, Fortune Global 500 companies, and government agencies worldwide. Our internal experts, together with our network of affiliated experts from academia, industry, and government, offer our clients exceptional breadth and depth of expertise.
Eric Seymour, 978 273-6049
[email protected]
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