Last update 23 Jan 2025
Beacon Therapeutics (USA), Inc.

Beacon Therapeutics (USA), Inc.

Public Company | Subsidiary Company|
Florida, United States


Basic Info

Beacon Therapeutics (USA), Inc. is a company focused on creating therapies that can significantly improve the lives of patients with severe diseases. Their team of experts, including physicians and researchers, utilizes advanced techniques to develop treatments for conditions caused by faulty genes. By employing gene therapy, which involves replacing defective genes with healthy ones, Beacon Therapeutics aims to enable the patient's body to produce proteins necessary for treating their illness. This innovative approach offers long-lasting relief and enhances the overall quality of life for patients globally.


Congenital Disorders
Other Diseases
Eye Diseases
AAV based gene therapy
Gene therapy

Disease domain score
A glimpse into the focused therapeutic areas
Technology Platform
Most used technologies in drug development
Most frequently developed targets
Disease DomainCount
Nervous System Diseases1
Top 5 Drug TypeCount
AAV based gene therapy3
Gene therapy1

Corporation Tree

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Pipeline Snapshot as of 06 Mar 2025

The statistics for drugs in the Pipeline is the current organization and its subsidiaries are counted as organizations,Early Phase 1 is incorporated into Phase 1, Phase 1/2 is incorporated into phase 2, and phase 2/3 is incorporated into phase 3
Phase 2 Clinical
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