A Randomized Phase I Study to Determine the Safety and Immunogenicity of ChAd-MVA Vaccination Compared to MVA Alone With and Without Low Dose Cyclophosphamide in Low and Intermediate Risk Localised Prostate Cancer
This is a clinical trial of a new treatment for prostate cancer that is a type of vaccine that could be a new way to treat cancer. A vaccine that could alert the immune system to the presence of cancer cells in the body may enable the immune system to target and kill those cells effectively. This vaccine is intended to work by making the immune system kill cells that have a special protein (called 5T4) that is present on the surface of cancer cells. The vaccine is made up of two recombinant viruses ("ChAdOx1" and "MVA") that have been designed to produce the 5T4 protein and have been modified so that they are weakened and cannot reproduce themselves within the body like normal viruses. Once injected into the body, these viruses make the 5T4 protein and help the body's immune system to learn to target this protein and destroy cancer cells.
This is a first-in-human study to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of ChAdOx1.5T4-MVA.5T4 vaccination regime. It is evaluated in neo-adjuvant setting in low and intermediate risk localised prostate cancer patients who have either decided to have their prostate removed or are stable on active surveillance.
100 Clinical Results associated with 5T4 x DNA
100 Translational Medicine associated with 5T4 x DNA
0 Patents (Medical) associated with 5T4 x DNA