Last update 23 Jan 2025


Basic Info

3'-5' exonuclease TREX1, AGS1, Deoxyribonuclease III
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Major cellular 3'-to-5' DNA exonuclease which digests single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) with mismatched 3' termini (PubMed:10391904, PubMed:10393201, PubMed:17293595). Prevents cell-intrinsic initiation of autoimmunity (PubMed:10391904, PubMed:10393201, PubMed:17293595). Acts by metabolizing DNA fragments from endogenous retroelements, including L1, LTR and SINE elements (PubMed:10391904, PubMed:10393201, PubMed:17293595). Plays a key role in degradation of DNA fragments at cytosolic micronuclei arising from genome instability: its association with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane directs TREX1 to ruptured micronuclei, leading to micronuclear DNA degradation (PubMed:33476576). Micronuclear DNA degradation is required to limit CGAS activation and subsequent inflammation (PubMed:33476576). Unless degraded, these DNA fragments accumulate in the cytosol and activate the cGAS-STING innate immune signaling, leading to the production of type I interferon (PubMed:33476576). Prevents chronic ATM-dependent checkpoint activation, by processing ssDNA polynucleotide species arising from the processing of aberrant DNA replication intermediates (PubMed:18045533). Inefficiently degrades oxidized DNA, such as that generated upon antimicrobial reactive oxygen production or upon absorption of UV light (PubMed:23993650). During GZMA-mediated cell death, contributes to DNA damage in concert with NME1 (PubMed:16818237). NME1 nicks one strand of DNA and TREX1 removes bases from the free 3' end to enhance DNA damage and prevent DNA end reannealing and rapid repair (PubMed:16818237).


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